
going through all of my old stories.. i cringe every time


While in one part of the world, people could be struggling to take one more step or struggling to breathe. 
          People in other parts of the world could be attempting to find a way to cure cancer, fight diseases, and stop world hunger.
          Some are exploring the planets, looking for people we can share the wonders of life with.
          Some are written down in history books, to be remembered forever such as Albert Einstein.
          Don't get me wrong, these all sound amazing, but I have Netflix.


Hello fellow whovian nice to meet you. I am a time lord (according to a post that says what you are from your birth month) well i don't have a TARDIS. Yet. But we can join forces and run away from here (Gallifrey) i know where we can get the perfect ship ;) 


Can we travel to Narnia plez?


@LBanimegirl great we shall start our journey soon. The TARDIS