
@Deminasx Oh, i missed you too. cx Don't get a spaz attack.
          	@RebEliCiouS I can see that.
          	@xOnlyAngel Juliet. c;


this message may be offensive
          Remember me? no? yea
          Well you promised you'd be there at my graduation and my party so.. you're invited. 
          Party's at my place on the 30th, nothing big. Just a few friends and don't even fix up, come as you are. 
          Graduation is on May 1st. Now you can put on a suit and tie. Then dinner with a few friends. 
          I miss you and I hope you're alive, Elizabeth too. Remember when I never knew shit about  anons and you'd just give me the stupid upside down kitty? yeah.. I can't believe how much we've grown. I miss you so much. Still have that bio saved. 
          Just come back soon, I'm hoping in December like last year.
          I love you, but you'll always love me more. Mum and Dud c: