
Hello friends,
          	As you may know, I have been in the process of condensing and editing 'Who Am I?'. Although I have felt that most of the chapters are set up in a way that gives it more flow, the book is still under some heavy construction. There is an air of a thirsty and hormonal teenager still and I am trying to swim through all that without stripping entire chapters and re writing them all together, after all, this has been my baby since I was 15 or 16 and want it to be as original to my younger selves vision as possible while also making it more enjoyable for readers of all ages.
          	I am also editing out spelling and grammatical errors, of which there are MANY, as well as changing a few of the lines in the story around, putting things into sections and paragraphs where I feel they would be better suited. I have thought about taking the story down many times while I give it a revamp and still have not made a final decision yet. Sometimes it's good to start fresh. We'll see, I should have made a final decision by Sunday.
          	Again, I want to say thank you to anyone who has been keeping up with any of my work here on wattpad and feel free to leave any critiques, comments and questions in my messages or directly in the stories themselves.
          	Much love,
          	P.S. Yes, I have changed my pen name.


Hello friends,
          As you may know, I have been in the process of condensing and editing 'Who Am I?'. Although I have felt that most of the chapters are set up in a way that gives it more flow, the book is still under some heavy construction. There is an air of a thirsty and hormonal teenager still and I am trying to swim through all that without stripping entire chapters and re writing them all together, after all, this has been my baby since I was 15 or 16 and want it to be as original to my younger selves vision as possible while also making it more enjoyable for readers of all ages.
          I am also editing out spelling and grammatical errors, of which there are MANY, as well as changing a few of the lines in the story around, putting things into sections and paragraphs where I feel they would be better suited. I have thought about taking the story down many times while I give it a revamp and still have not made a final decision yet. Sometimes it's good to start fresh. We'll see, I should have made a final decision by Sunday.
          Again, I want to say thank you to anyone who has been keeping up with any of my work here on wattpad and feel free to leave any critiques, comments and questions in my messages or directly in the stories themselves.
          Much love,
          P.S. Yes, I have changed my pen name.


So I lied, I'm sorry. I began editing and revising already. About 3 chapters have been condensed with other chapters to create longer ones and to build up to the plot a bit faster, as I had gotten comments that there seemed to be no plot (TBH duuhhh, you have to build up to it by introducing your characters first). I am still re-re-re-reading to see if there is anything else I can change or completely remove as they are unnecessary to the development of the characters relationship, bond, storyline and plot, mainly in parts 1 through 9 (After which, the plot really starts making itself known). If any of my followers are still active and seeing this (my cry for help and vow to be more serious about my writing as my passion for it has been reignited [maybe I'm just having a manic month]), I would love if you would consider giving 'Who Am I' a second chance to get re-acquainted with Carter and Avery as well as leaving me feedback of the revised and updated chapters! I would greatly appreciate ANY feedback you can give me! Feel free to drop a Hello in the replies and voice any questions you may have :)
          Much love
          - Your Friendly Neighborhood Blue Boy


I think I need to edit parts 3-11 of WAI a bit. There is an overload of fluff that I fantasized about as a teenager that I now see doesn't have much to do with the story line and does not appeal to my older readers, as most of you are 16+ (Or at least you were when I actually had a growing momentum on this site for my writings). So, that being said, unfortunately I must say goodbye to most of the super juicy aspect of my immaturity through my writing and begin anew. If any of you are out there still following, get your fill now as an update of those chapters will be coming in the next two weeks.
          Much love
          -Boy Blue


Hello everyone! As you may have noticed I am not a very consistent person! Well over a year and nine months later I have returned to the pad of watt to continue work on my extremely fluffy, morbid and terribly written story, Who Am I.  I appreciate all of you who have faithfully read WAI and who have waited with baited breath for the return of the great Boy Blue.
          Although the story is missing a plot for about 10 chapters and is filled with an extreme amount of fluff and filler and maybe too much detail and gayness, I promise to try better to form a more entertaining story. Thank you all again for your support and views and I look forward to giving you more.
          Much love
          -Boy Blue


After frantically searching through my notebooks and computer files, I have come to the conclusion that after 2 years of not updating, moving 5 times, and being too lazy to write anything... my work is gone.
          HOWEVER; I will continue from where I left off.  Hopefully my imagination is still as strong as it was from the last time I uploaded. I cant wait to start getting back to Who Am I. Its been my baby for years.
          I also have a short story that I found from highschool. Im not sure  if I want to start writing a book on it or not, but hey... its worth posting I think.