This is my story when it comes to haters.
I have because almost everyone in our school does XD
Well, their was this girl in my street who called me a bitch and a fat, stupid girl. I took it lightly. When I moved out I was happy and sad. I thought I'd never see her again. I was wrong. A few days later after moving, my friend posted a musical with her in it. She'd hacked into her account. I told her she doesn't know where I live so she couldn't hurt me. Well, she posted a duet with me where the description said duet with a girl who needs a diet. I reported her, but nothing happened. The next day, I woke up and all my musicals had comments like poo, idiot, stupid, fat and much more. I decided to say something savage...
You looking at a mirror?
Then it got worse. More spam... but all of them were stuff like this
I think you need a diet fat lady
You> me>
I was very sick of this so I got some people on my side and we all spammed her. But you shouldn't do that. You should tell someone you trust and they will help. (Omg I sound like I'm a baby don't I XD) well erm...
PS. You should post this,
If you've came here to post hate, then listen. I've apologised. (Explain more)
If you've came to post some caring words then thanks!