
"I will never be happy." >>>>>>>>>> Happiness: the state of being happy <<<<<<<<<< "Maybe true happiness is when we are happy with ourselves." -Faraway >>>>>>>>>> What is being happy? <<<<<<<<<< Most people say happiness comes from within when one is happy with thyself. But is that true? If you was to look around at your life right now and see everyone laughing, smiling, having a good time and enjoying themselves, would that make you happy or sad? If you was to be sad, would that reflect on if you are happy with yourself or not? Some people do not believe that happiness comes from being pleased with thyself. Who would? It makes no sense. You can be pleased with who you are but not be happy because of the situation you are stuck in. >>>>>>>>>> But the important question here is: what is happiness? <<<<<<<<<< Is it a choice? Is it a job? Do you have to have it? Happiness can be found in anything and anywhere.... to some. To most: it starts with yourself. Some find happiness in money; some find it in working; some even find it in being slaves to say the least. But not everyone will agree with that certain happiness. But is everyone made to be happy? Is everyone life made to be happy? Raise your hand if you say no. I'm a firm believer in the fact that happiness is just a word used to make everyone treat it likes it's treasure in the search for gold. Happiness is all up to one person: you. You have the ability to find happiness in someone, something, anything and anytime in this world. But not everyone is made for happiness. Not everyone can be happy. But... maybe, just maybe, happiness comes across those who we would least expect. How do I know? Because there's one woman that happiness skipped over for years before it finally decided to show its face towards her. And what's her name? Susanne Patrice Percival Wulfric Longbottom..... ....... and this is her story....... "Happiness is a word that has no meaning behind it when your life is worthless."