Helllllo, I wonder if anyone will see this...REGARDLESS. I haven't written in SOOO long, and I actually do want to start again, but I may have to rework my old stories or like...mentally regress a bit. So my most popular stores I started writing probably sophomore or junior year of high school, maybe. Well, I graduated from college last year, and am due to have a little baby in 2.5 weeks, so suffice it to say that I have aged a bit and so my writing may be worse or better (it's been so long and I haven't been writing anything at all, I just need that inspiration to hit, but it hasn't hit in years). Anyway, I have no timeline in place and I'm not really in a good place mentally or physically (as I could go into labor at any time) to promise to write X amount of hours per day/week because I really don't know if I'd be able to do so for sure. But I will definitely start thinking about my writing, brainstorming ideas, etc, so that I can give my readers something because for a few years there, Wattpad was my whole life and I know thousands have read my stories and told me how much they love them, so I definitely want to do more for you guys and hopefully bring some humor and imagination back to my life via writing, since writing is something I've always loved to do and have always been decent at. Okay, that's all!