
Hi, it’s me – xapriy.  
          	I know I’ve been missing for a long time. I was actually thinking of quitting and dropping every story. Why? Because I was not satisfied nor was, I motivated as before. My health became worst and it made me lose a lot of energy. I didn’t know how I could keep up with how I am right now.   
          	There were times when I thought I could really pass out and never wake up again. Lose a lot of blood and shut down. Another problem is that I have a very close family member who isn’t doing well either. I put my life as my priority because things weren’t going great. Life hasn’t been treating me well. I was afraid, afraid of not being able to live on. It’s really tiring.  
          	Right now, everything is dropped or on a long hiatus. I don’t know – I'm not even satisfied with my stories anymore. I felt like I need to redo everything but keeping the same plot line. But when do I even have the time for that?  
          	If I redo them, would people still read the stories? Especially my story, “A Mob System to Survive” ; I felt that it needed to be fixed completely. I felt like it’s missing too many details and just doesn’t seem to follow well. I said before, I have everything down on what I wanted to do with it but I feel that my words weren’t enough to complete all my thoughts.  
          	I started writing because I wanted to let all my imagination and thoughts go.  
          	Please be safe out there since the pandemic can be harsh to others with weak immune system like mines. Wear masks, clean well, and stay healthy. If I ever do come back, I hope to start things fresh but also maintain some old things.


@xapriy  it's okay first take care of ur health, because health is more important , it will gonna be alright and please get well soon God blessed u !! <3 <3


@xapriy oh my gosh am so sorry wishing you a speedy recovery and hoping you continue to stay strong and not give up 
          	  And also if you feeling weak we will be your strength
          	  We love you and will always be here for you ❤️❤️❤️


Hi, it’s me – xapriy.  
          I know I’ve been missing for a long time. I was actually thinking of quitting and dropping every story. Why? Because I was not satisfied nor was, I motivated as before. My health became worst and it made me lose a lot of energy. I didn’t know how I could keep up with how I am right now.   
          There were times when I thought I could really pass out and never wake up again. Lose a lot of blood and shut down. Another problem is that I have a very close family member who isn’t doing well either. I put my life as my priority because things weren’t going great. Life hasn’t been treating me well. I was afraid, afraid of not being able to live on. It’s really tiring.  
          Right now, everything is dropped or on a long hiatus. I don’t know – I'm not even satisfied with my stories anymore. I felt like I need to redo everything but keeping the same plot line. But when do I even have the time for that?  
          If I redo them, would people still read the stories? Especially my story, “A Mob System to Survive” ; I felt that it needed to be fixed completely. I felt like it’s missing too many details and just doesn’t seem to follow well. I said before, I have everything down on what I wanted to do with it but I feel that my words weren’t enough to complete all my thoughts.  
          I started writing because I wanted to let all my imagination and thoughts go.  
          Please be safe out there since the pandemic can be harsh to others with weak immune system like mines. Wear masks, clean well, and stay healthy. If I ever do come back, I hope to start things fresh but also maintain some old things.


@xapriy  it's okay first take care of ur health, because health is more important , it will gonna be alright and please get well soon God blessed u !! <3 <3


@xapriy oh my gosh am so sorry wishing you a speedy recovery and hoping you continue to stay strong and not give up 
            And also if you feeling weak we will be your strength
            We love you and will always be here for you ❤️❤️❤️


I'm going on a (semi?) hiatus. Something has come up that's causing problems within my life and a very close family member of mines. Also, I am struggling financially and needing to help that family member because things aren't looking bright. It causes me to be stress, heartbroken, and afraid. I think I need to put all my focus on this before anything else. 
          This is my fault for making my readers wait but I've been truly unlucky this year and wishing this didn't happen. I have to put everything on hold. 
          I want to say sorry for all my followers and readers who are currently waiting for my books to update. I'm not asking for forgiveness since I don't deserve it but seriously, I am sorry. I don't know when I'll be back or if I'll post updates randomly but I hope you all understand. I am at my worst state right now. Again, I am sorry. If anything, hope you all could wait for me when I finish handling this situation. 
          Sincerely, xapriy.


While it’s good to be so considerate of your readers, please comfort and look after you and your family first. Take the time to heal and recuperate. It’s truly a shame that you’re going through such a hard time and I wish you good health and the best. Thank you for your hard work and consideration ❤️


@xapriy, I hope everything gets better and that it all works out. You can always talk to me if you need help or somebody to listen to. 


One day I plan to re-edit "A Mob System To Survive" and I meant the whole story when it's completed. It's my first story I created after all. I'm still an immature writer and lacking in many areas still. There's a need in a lot of fixing on it already, lol. 
          I actually want to focus on "Lost In Love" and "The Runaway Princesses" too but I'm not sure yet. Those stories I thought for so long before in a long run. Sadly, I just can't seem to pour out all my work into them. I'll try my best to get some chapters updated on those two stories next! I kept some people waiting on them for so long. The least I can do is post some more on them and not hold them off. 


@xapriy FIGHTING MASTERS AUTHOR!! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


After posting "Lost in Love" I'll post up another story saved on my laptop. The reason I'm doing it because I need to clear the documents from there since my laptop is obviously in a bad state and eventually will be thrown out for a new one. I also wanted to see if the readers will like the stories so I know I can continue it on later in the future BUT after posting the next story for what's coming possibly tonight, I'll continue and focus on with "A Mob System To Survive" since it's with a large audience. 
          I can't give you all a 100% even though I really wanted to for the updates; it's only because it's not really my first priority since I needed to make money for a living, settle my student loans, and rest my entire being. It's extremely time consuming tbh lol. 
          If you're also wondering about my health, it's kind of getting better after relaxing and taking a break here and there. I haven't lost much in my blood system in a while either. The only thing going on is my body still feels weak and I always feel tired. As for my mental state, I can say it's improving. My stress is gone and for my depression disorder it's clearly getting better. I want to say I'm doing great but I'm not sure. 
          Anyways, thank you for your patience and taking the time to read my stories! xoxo
          I don't know if anybody still wishes me to continue with "The Runaway Princesses". Let me know if you do!


"A Mob System To Survive" rest of the 2nd arc is currently drafted. I will post them up soon when I feel they are ready. I'm sorry for the long delay. I have so much arcs listed to be done, plot twists written on my memo, and the ending has already been planned out. I just haven't had the time to write down my stories since of my work outside and major health issues as per usual. "The Runaway Princesses" will be on hold for now. If you have any other questions ; please send a private message. Thanks for taking your time to read this! 


My laptop died everybody because the laptop's charger hole is broken and I can't turned it on anymore due to the lack of battery. So my draft for my stories had disappeared since I use the program WORD. Now I'm a have to type everything all over again but on mobile which isn't my cup of coffee since it's hard for me to focus on it properly. I've been heavily tired. I'm sorry, this isn't going to be easy for me. I guess I have to postpone everything. I wanted to post it on Christmas too. :'(( 


@xapriy take your time author.....I hope you will be updating the runaway princesses. Although it's not complete but I really like it..