Hi, it’s me – xapriy. I know I’ve been missing for a long time. I was actually thinking of quitting and dropping every story. Why? Because I was not satisfied nor was, I motivated as before. My health became worst and it made me lose a lot of energy. I didn’t know how I could keep up with how I am right now. There were times when I thought I could really pass out and never wake up again. Lose a lot of blood and shut down. Another problem is that I have a very close family member who isn’t doing well either. I put my life as my priority because things weren’t going great. Life hasn’t been treating me well. I was afraid, afraid of not being able to live on. It’s really tiring. Right now, everything is dropped or on a long hiatus. I don’t know – I'm not even satisfied with my stories anymore. I felt like I need to redo everything but keeping the same plot line. But when do I even have the time for that? If I redo them, would people still read the stories? Especially my story, “A Mob System to Survive” ; I felt that it needed to be fixed completely. I felt like it’s missing too many details and just doesn’t seem to follow well. I said before, I have everything down on what I wanted to do with it but I feel that my words weren’t enough to complete all my thoughts. I started writing because I wanted to let all my imagination and thoughts go. Please be safe out there since the pandemic can be harsh to others with weak immune system like mines. Wear masks, clean well, and stay healthy. If I ever do come back, I hope to start things fresh but also maintain some old things.

@xapriy it's okay first take care of ur health, because health is more important , it will gonna be alright and please get well soon God blessed u !! <3 <3