
The Uchiha prodigy bio and first chapter is out, i hope you enjoy it, sorry again for the circumstances which heroes of the leaf was discontinued, i hope this will be better 


@xaviersappleton Can you please make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories of Naruto TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories & Naruto: Shippuden TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories & Boruto: Naruto Next Generations TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories and Fourth Shinobi World War Battles Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories for THE UCHIA PRODIGY


@xaviersappleton Dajaun Uchiha, brother Sasuke Uchiha and girlfriend Haku Yuki finds real truth behind whole Uchiha Clan Members Massacre happened years ago plus Shisui Uchiha try use Kotoamatsukami on Fugaku Uchiha head of uchiha clan coup d'etat against hidden leaf village because located corner put blame nine tails attack only stop Itachi Uchiha committed serious sins crimes against own genocide Uchiha Clan Members Massacre included uchiha clan children's, seniors citizens, civilians, elders and Shinobi but plan failed because Danzō Shimura stole steal Shisui Uchiha's Mangekyō Sharingan ability Kotoamatsukami attempt stop uchiha clan coup d'etat against hidden leaf village because located corner put blame nine tails attack happen 6 or 8 years ago aftermath death match between older brother Itachi Uchiha and younger brothers Sasuke Uchiha, Dajaun Uchiha and girlfriend Haku Yuki from Tobi another name Obito Uchiha confirm mass murder heartless monster currupt official Hidden Leaf Village Council Elders Danzō Shimura, Homura Mitokado, Koharu Utatane and former deceased Hiruzen Sarutobi Third Hokage also plus come back again along Tobirama Senju Second Hokage, Hashirama Senju and Minato Namikaze during Fourth Shinobi World War IIII before stop Madara Uchiha from happening by sealing or kill of Naruto TV Shows Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories & Naruto: Shippuden TV Shows Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories & Boruto: Naruto Next Generations TV Shows Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories and suffer effects aftermath from Fourth Shinobi World War III Battles Stories for THE UCHIA PRODIGY 


A couple of new chapters will be out lately stay tuned 


Can you please make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories of Star Wars TV Shows Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories and Star Wars Movies Episodes Titles Combo Set Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories for For Mandalore: A star wars story as soon as possible whenever you have time.


NOTICE: hey everyone thanks again for the support, i have unfortunate news, the reason i have been writing has been working on a new Naruto fanfiction, heroes of the leaf will have to be discontinued because I couldn't get the motivation and i didn't think i wrote at my best, i was getting writer block and couldn't continue, but i have something else in the works look forward to it in the coming weeks thanks again everyone 
          PEACE OUT 


@xaviersappleton What happened it was awesome Naruto Story for HEROES OF THE LEAF why is it canceled plus you could always get ideas watch or read wiki Naruto TV Show, Naruto: Shippuden TV Show, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations and Fourth Shinobi World War for HEROES OF THE LEAF


Happy New year , i hope everyone enjoyed their holidays, 2024 was difficult year for some persons including me ngl, but I'm hopeful and looking forward to the new year. There's some goals i want to accomplish this year, in life and also to complete couple of my books hopefully as i will probably begin working soon, a new chapter of heroes of the leaf and soul reaper lucky charm will be out later so yeah looking forward to 2025 
          PEACE OUT PPL!!!!


Hey how's everyone been, I hope everyone is good, a new chapter of heroes of the leaf is out the prelims pt 1 is out, pt 2 is almost done, i just need to finish the fight between Haku and Gohan, *spoiler* lol. So yeah also new character will be introduced as well in pt 2 and she will also be in future chapters i would say around the end of Naruto, heading into Naruto Shippuden, so yeah Christmas is in a week sorry if i don't update regularly in that time, you know how it is when family comes to visit and whatever, so hopefully i have the time to update more, everyone enjoy the holidays and big up everyone 


Lol you just have to wait and see right, um yeah thanks for the motivation, I'm trying to get back the willpower to write because I haven't been in the mood too and I'm glad for support, I'm asking for a bit more patience because I don't want to write something that is crap


Hey everyone sorry for not updating this week have been hectic I was able to write here and there when I had time, so expect a chapter of the new path by tomorrow, updates will be slower for heroes of the leaf, the new path will be my main focus, so bare with me, sorry again for the inconvenience, I had to really catch up on things because I was sorting out issues and applying for jobs, I was able to get about 3 days to finish watching bleach for the new arc which began this month, same with Blue lock, as I was excited for season 2, I saw some gameplay of sparkling zero it looks cool ASF, I have to wait until my mom gets me a laptop for my birthday before playing which is in a couple of weeks anddddddd yeah that's it for now, if anything more happens that I can't update regularly I will inform you guys thanks for the love and the support and I'm sorry for ghosting lol, yeah just hold on I'll update soon.


@xaviersappleton Can I ask are close release new chapters, seasons and episodes as soon as possible whenever you have time make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories of Naruto TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories & Naruto: Shippuden TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories & Boruto: Naruto Next Generations TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories and suffer effects aftermath from Fourth Shinobi World War III Stories for THE NEW PATH


@xaviersappleton Can I ask are close release new chapters, seasons and episodes of make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories of Naruto TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories & Naruto: Shippuden TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories & Boruto: Naruto Next Generations TV Show Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories and suffer effects aftermath from Fourth Shinobi World War III Stories for HEROES OF THE LEAF


@xaviersappleton It is ok ✅   plus I kinda hoped you get hired new job available new salary, amities and benefits bonuses included into together over two weeks paycheck.