
Hi there! Thank you for voting on chapters and adding "Where Life Takes Us" to your reading list!
          Hope you're enjoying WLTU so far and if you are, feel free to comment any thoughts or feedback you might have on any chapters. I'd love to hear what you think of it :)
          Thanks again and happy reading! Xx


Hey sorry for the really late reply, I’m just now seeing this but thank you so much for your sweet words! It means a lot to me that you’re loving WLTU ❤️


@ Alexandra_Miraples Nppp  it's an amazing story so far! I'm looking forward to read the rest of it! ❤ You're an amazing writer ☺️


Hello!  I just wanted to pop in and say a huge thank you for adding my story to your reading list!  When I saw your name in the my notifications I knew, I KNEW, I had to leave a thank you! :)
          I wish you a kind and cheerful day, 
          - YOP


@ Youroffputting thankss  i'm really exited for it! Your message is really sweet, thanks again 