
New Golden Trio Era fanfic has been published.
          	It is based on my Marauders-era fanfic which is currently being edited.  Please check it out and let me know what you think!x


A Good Girls Guide to Murder is one of the best books I’ve ever read!


@xbirdielovex That, to me, is logical. I mostly read online now cause there's so many things you can pull up now from library apps and stuff, but I still always buy new books, drives my mom crazy 


@Sarah_Sunshine360 i I literally spent all of my money on seven books today and paid for next day delivery to get them tomorrow even though I’ve still got two books to read at home 


@xbirdielovex lol  ngl my brothers school had a book fair, and I had like 12 books I wanted from it


So I've recently started the Crown. And it has given me an idea for another Marauders fix, probably James. 
          So basically the oc will be the heir to the throne but she will also be attending Hogwarts. I'm thinking she’ll be a Ravenclaw but still friends with the Marauders. And she’ll eventually fall for James. 
          She’ll have to balance life as part of the royal family and as a witch during the first wizarding war. And there will also be the angst of her and James not being accepted by her family because he isn't acceptable to reign beside. 
          Obviously the royal family in this fic will be fictitious and not based on the actual monarchy.
          But yeah that is my idea, just wanted to put it out there.


I'm currently editing my Sirius Black fanfic but I have begun the plan for this fic and I am very excited for it x


lmao James is so hot T-T


@InspirationWritings that's actually interesting


What do you guys think Abby’s superhero name should be?


@InspirationWritings I think it depends on where u will take her powers and what her suit looks like. Like will her powers get a lot stronger and will she develop more powers as she grows? And I think her name should also tie into her suit like Steves is Captain America and he dresses like the flag and Nat's is all black for Black Widow stuff like that. So I think it all depends on that but I think her name will b great with whatever u choose!


Hi guys! 
          So after taking a look over my timeline, I’ve just realised that I have written Abby’s age wrong the whole way through. In the Prologue she is supposed to be eight not six so that has messed me up. I’m going to go back and edit it when I have the chance but it won’t change any of the plot.
          I am sorry for the confusion.
          Thank you.xx


Just posted Chapter Twenty-One of 'Define Love'! I hope to post the next chapter this weekend. I have finished school for Christmas break so I am hoping to update 'Little Iron Chile' at some point in the next two weeks. Hope you have all had a great week so far. Love you!xx


Hope you have a great week too! 