@xforever_yoursx uhm...I re did the first chapter, so that's now only a page so far- I'm still on the first little section of it. So I think I'll post it durring September? ...idk. I'm seriously overbooked these next few weeks. *sighs* no time for writing AT ALL. But oh well, I'll live :)
@xbeauty_withinx heehee, not a fail...I mean, I just did that, too, so...anyway. I love the prologue of the story you sent me, it's perfect! When are you gunna post it? I know you only have that part written, so don't rush :D
@xforever_yoursx I know I'm awesome! It's seriosuly no problem at ALL. In fact, I'm excited! I know how you feel about it. I do that too- start something and then not finish it. Fail, right?
@xbeauty_withinx awh thanks! I cannot thank you ENOUGH. I'll still have time to read and all that jazz, but not to write. Anyway, I just wasb't feeling the story so far. XD thanks!!!! Btw- you. Rock.