
just a reminder     :
          i ask myself day after day  .   .   is his hair colour real or not   ?   but anyways   ,   i understand you've got a hard life    ,   but also understand just like longbottom   ,    you've got to grow a pair   &&'   be a man  !   you are the few people i can tolerate in this school   &&'  listen   ,    i know you're gay for potter  .  .  i totally support you   &&'   your love for that scarhead   .   though   ,    i don't know what you see in him  ━   he has heavy breathing  &&'  not to mention he complains about EVERYTHING   .   anyways   ,   i thought you would've picked me instead   . .   i'm more attractive   !


@blaisezabinis Why would you say that Draco is "Gay" for Potter?!