
I'm really and truly happy that you all really like my most popular book teachers pet. Tysm for the unconditional support 


And congratulations you deserve it 


@xdxgirly15 it's good to have you back!


I'm really and truly happy that you all really like my most popular book teachers pet. Tysm for the unconditional support 


And congratulations you deserve it 


@xdxgirly15 it's good to have you back!


Feeling happy and positive? Amazayn!
          Feeling down? No worries, Noé at your service ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)~
          ✧Some people are like clouds. Once they disappear, it's a beautiful day ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)ノ
          ✧Don't worry about getting older. You still get to do stupid things, just slower (˘⌣˘)
          ✧Never laugh at your friends' choices, you're one of them ( •_• )
          ✧Human logic: Cut the trees, made paper out of them and then write "Save trees, save environment" (⊙_ʖ⊙)
          ✧Life tip: Never sing in the shower! Singing leads to dancing, dancing leads to slipping and slipping leads to paramedics seeing you N A K E D.  Thank me later! ✺◟( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)◞✺
          ✧Can you relate: when you find it, you don't need it and when you need it, you don't find it?(-_-;) 
          Smiled yet or Imma have to come and tickle you? Not that I'd mind though if I get a cuppa coffee by the side as well hehehe. 
          Keep smiling and shining. Take care~


Haiii! Hope you're doing well, if not I'm here to help!
          ❥︎Some people just need a hug... around the neck...with a rope*・゜゚(^O^)↝
          ❥︎Don't give up on your dreams, keep sleeping
           (◡ ω ◡)
          ❥︎Don't worry about what people think. They don't do it very often╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭
          ❥︎Life tip: If nothing goes right, go L E F T←_←
          ❥︎Wonder why: Why doesn't glue stick to its bottle? (´⊙ω⊙`)!
          ❥︎Can you relate? : Do you put things in a safe place and then forget where the safe place is?(─.─||)
          Hope these could make you smile, if not I'll keep trying until you really smile(≧▽≦)
          For now, have a great day/night ahead, take care and lots of love<3


          ✧Don't break someone's heart, they've only one . Break their bones, they've got 206 of them
          ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭
          ✧Worry is a time total waste of time. All it does is steal your joy and keep you busy doing nothing( . ര ʖ̯ ര . )
          ✧Some people just need a high five. In the face. With a chair ʘ‿ʘ_/¯
          ✧They say we learn from our mistakes. That's why you're making a lot of them. Dw, you'll soon be a genius( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
          ✧Fun fact: "Dammit I'm mad" is "Dammit I'm mad."乁( •_• )ㄏ
          ✧Wonder why: If camera lenses are round, then why are the pictures square?
          Did these make you smile or shall I try harder? In case you're going through something unpleasant, it'll pass! You're strong enough to overcome it and I'm a good listener too(≧▽≦)
          Bye bye take care~


❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉❉ ╤
          ❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉❉ ╧
          ❉ Evaluate people in your life. Then promote, denote or terminate. You're the CEO of your life, don't give someone else the power of controlling your life(✧Д✧)→
          ❉ Be yourself because the original is worth more than the copy ( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ )
          ❉ Stay strong. Make them wonder how you're still smiling(◔‿◔)
          ❉ Don't worry about what others think. Most of them don't use their brain very often.
          ❉ Ever wondered that- if we're not supposed to have midnight snacks then why's there a light in the fridge (❛‿❛)
          ❉ Always be careful when you follow the masses. Mostly the M is silent (° ~ ° ~)
          ❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉❉ ╤
          ❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉❉ ╧
          Hope I could adorn your face with a beautiful smile, let me know if I couldn't. We'll discuss it over tea or coffee, at your place(; till then, take care, love yourself and✨ S M I L E✨


          Oh no, your eyes are working just fine I am indeed back!
          Now let's get back to my annoyingly positive dose shall we?(ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ)
          ⫸ We are all a little broken but the last time I checked, broken crayons colour the same◕‿◕
          ⫸When someone says you can't do it, do it twice and take pictures (*❛‿❛)→
          ⫸ How cool is that the same God who created mountains, oceans and galaxies, looked at you and thought that the world needed one of you too?✧\(>o<)ノ✧
          ⫸Cry a river. Build a bridge. Get over it
          乁 ˘ o ˘ ㄏ
          ⫸Some things break your heart but fix your vision.
          ⫸Enjoy life. There plenty of time to be dead
          So, still not smiling or do I have to stretch your lips? Now SMILE C'MON And if you're down, I'm here, just know that. You're always welcome to rant your heart out<33
          Take care of yourself, stay amazayn!


♡・:*。.:*・゚.•*¨*•.¸¸♪ Hey there♡・゚:*.:*・゚.•*¨*•¸¸♪
          Hope you're doing well, in case you're not, I'm here to give you some reminders~
          ❥☽︎ To become all you can be you have to love yourself for all you're not❥☽︎
          ❥☽︎ Self love is the biggest middle finger all time ❥☽︎  
          ❥☽︎ You know who's gonna give you everything? Yourself❥☽︎
          ❥☽︎ Only compare yourself to your previous self❥☽︎
          ❥☽︎ Do not give your past the power to define your future❥☽︎
          ❥☽︎ Don't forget to put on your most expensive accesorry- your SMILE❥☽︎
          Most of all, don't forget to thank yourself everyday. For what? For your heart's beating, for your lungs are working, for you're existing thru everything and for simply being you!
          Sending lots of love, take care <33