
Would anyone read a Heaven Official's Blessing fanfic ?? I'm probably going to start posting it anyway, but just wanted to see if there was any immediate interest <33


@xenojiva if you start it then I know a friend that's obsessed with heavens official


@xenojiva *raises hand*


Would anyone read a Heaven Official's Blessing fanfic ?? I'm probably going to start posting it anyway, but just wanted to see if there was any immediate interest <33


@xenojiva if you start it then I know a friend that's obsessed with heavens official


@xenojiva *raises hand*


Hello, everyone !
          I know, it's been an age and a half. I'm so sorry, but the mental health hit hard and I was drowning in it for a bit.
          I'm better now, and trying to move onto new projects, most of which are centred around MXTX stories. I'm currently working on a Heaven Official's Blessing AU, and will probably try to publish it eventually so I can get into a writing loop again.
          Fingers crossed


@AhahaKillMe_please Thank you so much <33


@xenojiva its fine really, take your time :)


Exuse me but... do u know what happened to the sequel of "go to hell"?  Its been so long since ive last seen it & keep coming back to see if its been republished again. Its one of my favorite books and the best
          Blue exorcist/Tokyo Ghoul crossover books ive found since i joined wattpad, so when the second book vanished i was really sad. At first i thought maybe it was being re-written or something or fixing misspelled words & phrases but now... im sorry if i sound pushy or nosy but... i miss it, i miss ur work, i miss the jem i found long ago that YOU made and im sorry but every time i see thar one book in ur list without its partner i cant help but feel heartache. I know these are ur work and u have the final say on whether they stay or go but i wish that the jem u made could be brought back once again. 
          Please author, give such a rare treasure life once more.


Thoughts on a Genshin fanfiction ??


Maybe you could have it so the immortals (archons, adepti, travellers) have to adapt to the modern day?


*ahem* I mean ya if the show fits aHaUhAuHaU  


I really like hellbound and hellbent, you have done such a good job writing the plot n I hope you continue to have fun with whatever you want to do!


Omg you’re so sweet !! I’m hoping to continue soon, I just needed to take a bit of a break. I hope you’ll enjoy the chapters to come !


I feel like I owe a lot of you an apology for going completely inactive. 
          Writing has been very hard for me at the moment - I’m working nonstop and I’ve been so so stressed to the hills concerning my health and mental well-being. I’m not doing amazing right now, but I’m trying my best to get better. 
          I really hate leaving stories on hold, and I promise I’ll try. It’s just really hard to do the things I like right now. 
          Thank you, and I’m sorry


Excuse me, but where is the sequel to go to hell Blue Exorcist X Tokyo Ghoul crossover? I had both the first book and sequel in my library for quite a few years now and suddenly the sequel is nowhere to be seen... and I've been tipped off about it for quite a few days now. Where is the sequel where is the original where is the book?! If you want to make a rewrite then okay go ahead you do you, but don't delete your original work it get your followers pissed off about not being able to read the original work in the original story especially when you working on the rewrite!... It ticks people off and it's not nice. So could you please do us a favor bring back the original sequel to go to hell Tokyo Ghoul X Blue Exorcist crossover , please!


Please don’t come onto MY page with such entitlement. I am allowed to do whatever I like with my works, and nobody else gets to decide that at all. Who do you think you are? I don’t have to explain myself or justify myself to anyone but me. You could have left it at a genuine question but your rudeness is unbelievable. If this is how you treat authors you may want to rethink posting things like this and work on respecting the people who provide you content. Why would you think this would actually encourage me to consider reinstating something I’m not happy with?




@xenojiva WOah, I'm too young cri


@HnhPastries To be fair I did creative writing as my university degree so that definitely plays a huge role in my ability to write ♡