
 " Fluffy Usph and Asakiku One Shots." 
          	CHAPTER 11: Will be published tomorrow stay tuned loovess!


[[ Admin Post ]]
          H I A T U S
          -so guys it is the first time i'm doing this ever but i won't be online for a long time, i will come and visit here if i get a chance but for now, i am focusing on how i can make my life a lot more better than before so for all of my internet friends and rp buddies, i won't be online for a really long time since i am lessening my time on the internet now. Ill be gone but i don't know how long. So that means i won't be able to update my books so yea
           i just don't know how long i'll be gone for the 2018 but a little advice for you guys be the best the you can be, i remember my big sister telling me that you should think outside the box, explore more options in life. Because nothing will happen if you stay in the corner that you are.
          I'll try to keep myself busy for the rest of the year and complete my new year's resolutions, for now i want to make a bigger improvement of my life and my personality and my lifestyle as well. I just needed it 
          So advice for you guys before i go, just be yourself and don't let anyone change that, always think positive even if negativity tries to bring you down, always focus on yourself, friends and family. 
          That's all thank you!




this message may be offensive
@Camlexie_14 fuck u XD


well everyone this is my flat chested girlfriend!!!!  she doesnt have boobs but i love her


bitch i am xD


☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
          Hello, it's CrunchyPh_13 again to give you some updates.. 
          Ha! so i'm very sorry if i hadn't publish anything or update my stories.. ^^' 
          So.... hm yeah that (。⌒∇⌒'') 
          Well i'll sure try to still update books just for you.. Σ( ° △ °|||)︴
          That's it for now kitties love ya bye bye 
          - AphPhili_17 (≧▽≦)