
Hello, sorry for being ia. A lot of things happened in real life and recently my inspiration has returned, with a whole new fandom from a game called love and deepspace. It has given me fuel to start writing again.
          	My other stories are not dead, I want to keep working on them when I can.
          	Thank you so much for your patience.


@AphroditeARaven i will continue it, so no worries! :)


@ xjinminisrealx Ufff… That's good. I'm still waiting for your namtaejin story to be continued, so you know… ^^


Hiii I love the refayelxenoria love and deepwaterrrr! I'm a rafayel girl too huhu and I was finding a fanfic about the  three LI and I found yours on ao3 huhu I love the way you write it was very detailed and amazinggg! Please keep on writinggggg <33. Also I'm starting to adapt your story line/theory in the actual game coz I'm still confused with the plot but loving it so much, the angst, the slowburn, the fluffy sideee arghhhh I'm so addictive to the game hahahahah anywayssss have a nice day <333 


Hello, sorry for being ia. A lot of things happened in real life and recently my inspiration has returned, with a whole new fandom from a game called love and deepspace. It has given me fuel to start writing again.
          My other stories are not dead, I want to keep working on them when I can.
          Thank you so much for your patience.


@AphroditeARaven i will continue it, so no worries! :)


@ xjinminisrealx Ufff… That's good. I'm still waiting for your namtaejin story to be continued, so you know… ^^


Hiii! I don't really know if anyone will read this but I'm okay! Been busy with life, a full time job, a master thesis and studying for level 3 of Korean Topik so didn't have time for anything but study, research and work. I hope you all are fine and enjoying life better than I am! 
          Sorry for being on hiatus for so long but don't be afraid, I will finish my stories when I have time to just sit in a sofa and write for hours :(
          When I first started to write Fanservice and The Photographer, I never expected for them to be read, just wrote for myself. When they started to get read by many people, I became stressed,  as my life was becoming pretty busy, my grandpa just died and I'm planing on doing a working holiday in korea next year, then covid, and stress, sadness and being almost out of myself with what to do and who to become.
          Hope you are all doing okay, miss your comments and feedback and no worries, once my life becomes more quiet, will resume my writing and finish my ongoing stories 
          Miss you all and hope to hear from you soon! 


@xjinminisrealx love you stay strong you are champion  come soon 


@xjinminisrealx AUTHOR NIM AUTHOR NIM AUTHOR NIM ..........It feels good for you to be back active and alive I really missed you and your wonderful book "the photographer" and fanservice ........dont worry just work hard for you future and good luck all the best ill update you for every now and then .......걱정하지 마세요 작가님.....우리가 당신을 위해 여기 있습니다 


@xjinminisrealx i wish you all the best dear   take time to cure your stress 
            and for your books  it's ok we can wait   whenever you are ok to write  come to wp  please  we are always ready to read your books  coz  you are really best Author and your books The photographer is really really amazing 


We miss you


@StellaKim30 sooo~ are you going to work on it? Pls doooo.....pretty pleaseeee....


@Daisymoun Ahh amazing advice !


@xjinminisrealx  I only use facebook dear 


Hi dear, hope you are doing good.  I m from Sri Lanka.  Love your books and way you write.  It's really been long time since you update your story Photographer.  If can please update same if time permits.  Looking forward to read new chapters of same.  God bless and stay safe


hey. ヾ(´・ ・`。)ノ it's been a while. hopefully you and your family are doin alright. take all the time you need to recover. when you're ready to come back, you'll find your loyal readers patiently waiting. miss u boo. (。-ω-)


 saw that you were dealing with Corona, hope that you are recovering well.           I am reading fanservice, it is so nice! I usually stay away from books that haven't been updated in 6 months but liked the storyline. Do you plan to finish it?