
Somebody stop me please. Like actually I’m scared right now like genuinely scared of myself and I don’t know what to do so if I don’t respond to anyone for like a month I’ve either given up or I don’t know.


Good news I’m alive and am going to update my totally not abandoned dnf story magic I know. (This is totally not because I’m panic writing because I told my girlfriend I would make cupcakes and I haven’t made them yet haha totally not )


this message may be offensive
BRO ISTG I hear somebody outside I am staying at my grandmas my dad lives nearby and it’s close to a pub I hear a voice that sounds like his ( my parents arnt together btw) ok I’m supposed to be asleep but I look out the window the man is talking about my uncle holy fuck THEN ME and then boom he sees me and shouts to me IM SUPPOSED TO BE ALSEEP IM DOOMED I can hear my mum followers and people I’m following come to my funeral please


I want to have a relationship so bad like SOMEBODY I want somebody to cuddle or whatever somebody to talk to somebody to be romantic in some sort of way to I want to have a valentine to give flowers and chocolates to somebody like all those things and more I’m just so LONELY and idk why is just wrote all this now I feel even more lonely bc I just wrote down all the things I’m missing out on by being single D:


My wives don't talk to me no more :((((