
hello friends, as you can see I have discontinued sexual tension after literal years of debating what to do with it. I love that book with my whole being and it will always be my baby, but I feel like it's time for me to move on from it and hopefully succeed at writing other things. I will be leaving it up, however no new updates will be made. thank you to everyone who read it!


hello friends, as you can see I have discontinued sexual tension after literal years of debating what to do with it. I love that book with my whole being and it will always be my baby, but I feel like it's time for me to move on from it and hopefully succeed at writing other things. I will be leaving it up, however no new updates will be made. thank you to everyone who read it!


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
hi i’m alive and i’m 20 now how crazy anyways bc all my stories were so fucking cringey im gonna try and re-write them heyo
          also bc lip deserves a happy ending for once 


should I continue writing again?? i have a few idea but idkkkk


Dude do it i did like 5 years later lmao