Louis, I love you so so so much. You helped me through a tough time were it was only u and the rest of one direction and one friend. You made me laugh when I was sad and yo made me realize that isn't all that bad. Listening to your voice just for a minute made my daddy 10000000000000% better. You were like an escape from the hell tht I would call my life. I always knew that you wouldn't fail to make smile. You saved mine an 10000 of other girls lives and I thank you so much for that. And thank you for you and Eleanor because your guys relationship is as perfect as your relationship can get. And I just want to love someone as much as she loves you and I want someone to love me as much as you love her. You guys give me hope tht Ivan have a perfect relationship like you guys. And ik u won't see this but you just need to know that you are amazing and we are all so thankful for you louis. So happy 22 birthday Louis. I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx