
After binge watching game of thrones, this is the first of many chapters to come :)


I just reached 100 followers!! I want to say a special thank to all my dedicated followers, readers, and voters! It's been a wonderful year and I could not ask for more as well as I completed my goal of 100 followers!! 
          All I have to say it BRING ON 2K15 
          YOU ALL ARE AMAZING!!!


Aloha to my beautiful followers!! 
          Okay so I know I haven't updated my stories yet and before u say it I know I'm an awful person but I have soccer tomorrow and Thursday so I should be updating a book Thursday on the way to the game. I've just been really busy and eighth grade night was tonite and our coach gave us letters and made me cry and I love our coach bc he's so awesome. Okay Liz! get back on topic. Anyways comment which book u want updated and whichever has the most comments gets updated!!!!


Goddess in disguise got deleted bc of lack of inspiration and so much more (mostly confusion as well) I am sorry to inform u of this but things have been a bit tough lately. I should be posting a new story tho. Idk what it should be called or about, but this book is to make up to the readers of Goddess in disguise. Thanks sooo much for understanding!!!