So years ago I decided to unpublish a lot of my older stories since I was basically afraid of hate or criticism and stupid stuff like that. Now that I am more confident in myself and less insecure about my writing. I am going to republish everything that I honestly might not continue on but at least it will be available to read again. I doubt anyone actually cares or remembers since it has been years that I have kept my stories in the Dungeon but yeah. I mean I just wanna be proud of my work even if it won't be completed at some point. I just know I re-write different variations of the same fan-fiction sometimes too but honestly I think that it's better to be unapologetic and own the different story lines my brain creates instead of demonizing it and not being proud of it because I love how creative I am- I just have some tendencies to burn out and lose focus of where plots are going but yeah overall... I appreciate anyone that has read this to the end. I just want this to be seen just in case anyone questions why certain dates on the published works are from like 2021 or 2022 etc. Thanks for reading my TedTalk and here is to a newfound confidence and discovery of the type of person I am. It's almost 2025. I'll be 25 soon and honestly. I rather be proud of my young self to further help my inner healing journey and to just live with no regrets.