
Hey, gang.
          	I started writing my book Only You on the 8th of March 2023 and since then my life has been shaped around that book.
          	Unfortunately, I have decided to unpublish Only You.
          	I’ve gone months without writing and I just hate the book. It is genuinely so bad.
          	I love the characters, the story, the relationships but there are so many flaws and things that just shouldn’t have been written.
          	Only You has been one hell of a journey and for that reason, I’ll keep all the stuff I have of it (plans, the book, etc.) because maybe one day I’ll rewrite it.
          	The book has grown with me so much and it now has 22k reads!! It seems silly to throw it all away but I promise it’s for the better.
          	I’ll be unpublishing it on August 15th.
          	Thank you for everything.


I had like 5 chapters left can anyone tell me if they said I love you and moved in together??


Hey, gang.
          I started writing my book Only You on the 8th of March 2023 and since then my life has been shaped around that book.
          Unfortunately, I have decided to unpublish Only You.
          I’ve gone months without writing and I just hate the book. It is genuinely so bad.
          I love the characters, the story, the relationships but there are so many flaws and things that just shouldn’t have been written.
          Only You has been one hell of a journey and for that reason, I’ll keep all the stuff I have of it (plans, the book, etc.) because maybe one day I’ll rewrite it.
          The book has grown with me so much and it now has 22k reads!! It seems silly to throw it all away but I promise it’s for the better.
          I’ll be unpublishing it on August 15th.
          Thank you for everything.


I had like 5 chapters left can anyone tell me if they said I love you and moved in together??


Hey! I’m a newer author and I just wanted to find other new authors so we can support each other and help one another! Let me know if you’re down for the idea<33 
          P.S. totally cool if you’re not!!!


babes i’m so sorry i didn’t see this til now!! i’ll give your story a read and i’ll make sure i vote!! i’d be totally happy to support your work :)


i don’t want to have a high school sweetheart. i want to have my first love as a teenager that i do all my firsts with. it’s pure, it’s sweet. but then we healthily and mutually break up and go separate ways. then i want to live it up a little, have a few one night stands. then i want to meet the love of my life in my twenties and stay with them forever, all the while remaining friends with my first love


Bro. We are literally the same