The sweetheart Bully season 2 is published now!! A new story created though, it isn’t under season 1. Make sure you read season 1 though! Very important!
So.. Change of plans! I made a trailer on YouTube!! Http:// I’m still debating if I want to publish it on YouTube or Wattpad. Keep your ears open!❤️
I hope you guys are having a great day! Since I’m kind of busy and I’m starting to dance for a group. I will keep trying to get my new story published soon as possible because I don’t see getting my new computer and I need time to practice editing it and uploading it on YouTube. I will try to post it sometime in March. I’m trying to keep you guys updated so you guys aren’t bored. I’m sorry just be patient with me.❤️ I love you all.
Sorry for taking a long time writing my new ff. I’m planning to learn it on Kinemaster and post it on YouTube. But if I can’t I’ll post on here. Thanks!!❤️❤️