Hi there! I'm Aria. A 23 year old student who's always in a hurry. I love writing but I'm currently tied up with my side-job so as of now, my works haven't been getting as much attention. Though I do hope to make a return to them soon! 

I also enjoy ballet, the beach, tangerines, 60s jazz music, and of course, puppies!

I hope you all will enjoy what you see on here although nothing is under major prioritization.


- ACK | teen rom-com - slow updates
- LIACM | new adult drama/romance - on hold

Please don't request anything. I don't take any type of request because I'm currently juggling between my own stuff, so I cannot pertain to you right now.

My PM's are always open, but please don't spam 🧡
  • The Centennial State
  • انضمJuly 16, 2019


قصص بقلم Aria
A Cupcake Kiss | SLOW UPDATES بقلم xo_ilovepuppies_xo
A Cupcake Kiss | SLOW UPDATES
Lara is what she goes by. She's an eccentric, outgoing, and cupcaking-loving girl who works in the bakery wit...
Love is a Complicated Mess | ON-HOLD بقلم xo_ilovepuppies_xo
Love is a Complicated Mess | ON-HO...
Lydia Lynn and Gavin Hunters were both fast to fall in love. Convinced that they were made for each other, th...