Hey, I read 'Phan's Sex Slave' and I looked at your account, and you're a boy! It's great to see some other guys in the phandom. Btw, despite being a Phan shipper, I did enjoy your fic.
@theboyinthestars OHH, I feel stupid. Thank you for telling me. I now am going to call him and tell him what I learned, lmao
JK he got his phone taken away! I have to call his mother :(
I honestly can't understand why people can't accept people for who they are. All the hate people put on each other they don't understand that some have been broken so many time we can't deal with the pain it drives them to suicide. I've been bullied because of who I am and it couldn't handle the hate I've become suicidal. Why can't you just accept us for who we are. We are still human and we have feelings.
@_Mystic_Cheshire_ Who cares Eillias? He asked a question and you should awnswer! Btw your mom seriously wants you to talk to her about whats wrong. You and I both know that you need to tell her about your sexuality