
Feel free to comment on what you think All Grown Up is all about! Also, how are y'all feeling towards the new title/cover? :)


@xoarielle please don't! you inspired me to write MY story! and i would be sad, really sad. I wasn't really active either and my reads and votes and comments have dropped down, too. but I'm trying. I'm really trying. and I know how it feels so please stay. we can do this together. :))


Taking down my stories soon, the views have dropped and I'm giving up on it. Sorry guys.


I agree with what @wonderland_smile said. You're an amazing writer. You should write in the mindset of you liking it, not everyone else. Don't give up just because there aren't enough people acknowledging your writing. There's still people who love you and your writing and that's what should count. :)


Why would you do that. You don't have to write because of the votes, comments and followers. You have to write because you love it and enjoy doing it not because of some stupid numbers. Your amazing at it, I read your stories and I can tell you put much time in it. So don't give it up ;).


Don't do that! I love your stories, and they are great. Please don't take them dow