
I'm trying out another awards book! @knightofgrace is hosting and the lovely @mand0jedi tagged me so I tagged three more people! I hope you get a chance to check it out below!


@mand0jedi Thanks! And good luck to you too! I've joined some other awards months ago but haven't really heard much from them but I still remain hopeful with this one :)


Good luck in the awards! I thought you’d like the chance to join, and I’m glad to see I was right hehe


I'm trying out another awards book! @knightofgrace is hosting and the lovely @mand0jedi tagged me so I tagged three more people! I hope you get a chance to check it out below!


@mand0jedi Thanks! And good luck to you too! I've joined some other awards months ago but haven't really heard much from them but I still remain hopeful with this one :)


Good luck in the awards! I thought you’d like the chance to join, and I’m glad to see I was right hehe


I have so many projects I want to be working on right now and just can't pick one... ugh...
          I just got done with finishing a little special chapter for a certain story *wink wink* and now I am going in circles on what to work on next. I want to continue working on TTB edits/ fixing some chapters like I had mentioned AND I want to work on another little story in my unpublished saves AND I want to work on getting back into the grove for Valerie's padawan journey AND also work on The Dad Batch... I think I need someone to pick something for me to work on cause I am just a silly little girl who can't make her damn mind up.
          I guess I'll be staring at this wall for now XD


@xoautumnbratxo Wow I'm so glad you understand the struggle :D 
            nah that's so real bro!


@TrulyMaryJane yessss! And I feel I don’t get burnt out as quick because I have the different options and thank you but I only get really really motivated like that about every other full moon XD


@xoautumnbratxo Exactly! Having multiple stories to work on helps me stay motivated but then I have nothing to publish for literal WEEKS!
            Anyways congrats on all your writing progress, my friend I strive to be like you! ;)


Do you ever set yourself with TOO high of expectations? XD 
          I'm definitely not getting all the editing done today for Tracking The bounty like I wanted to this weekend. I am so drained from the concert I attended yesterday and all I want to do is lay on the couch and do nothing lmao. I am going to try my hardest to get as much editing done as I can but I won't get it all done today.
          But also also new chapter of TBB: Aftermath comes out today and for the readers following that story I am suppppper excited for you to read the next chapter and I hope you will be just as excited with me! But for now, back to the editing board.
          Still riding my concert high,


Do you ever have one of those days where you just… drive home with no music playing. Just your own thoughts?
          Good news it’s Friday! (For me at least lol) and I do have plans to work on some editing this weekend. I hope to get some done tonight. I am not sure if I’ll get any done in Saturday as I will be attending an Avril Lavigne concert!!! Sunday I hope to get more editing done and to hopefully get those scenes written out that I talked to some of my readers about. Anyways,
          I hope you all have a lovely evening <3


I posted the original ending to Aurora’s story! Give it a read and let me know what you think. Do you like the new ending I written or would you have preferred the original ending?
          Also also! Two chapters one day? Like I said I’m going to start posting TBB: Aftermath on Sundays and figured I would just share both at the same time :)
          Happy Sunday!


@mand0jedi I really did want to go for tears with my original ending but I ended up failing in love with Aurora’s character and with the new ending once you get through the story you’ll see that everything has just been wrapped up neatly with a little bow! I’m excited for you to read it!!


I’ll admit I haven’t gotten through much of “Tracking the Bounty” but the talk of these original endings had me so intrigued so I had to skip ahead and read them, and oh my
            gosh the original was so sad!! Honestly glad you decided to switch hehe, I love Aurora and Hunter’s kids so much~


I just finished writing and editing all the chapters for The Bad Batch: Aftermath!! Part of me is sad about that as it's such an important story to me but I am super happy with how I feel like I wrapped everything up and going forward there are 14 chapters left! Holy smokes!! This is super exciting and I can't wait for everyone to finish ready Valerie's story!
          Goodnight (Or good morning wherever you are)


Thank you so much! It’s honestly such a good feeling getting to finish a story and now we move onto finishing the other stories I started XD


Sorry I’m so late to this one but congratulations!! That’s two in less than a month - honestly such an impressive feat so Good on you!


My sappy little post might be coming 30 minutes late and I totally was not driving when I had to post the Epilogue and AN#2 that's not something I would do... XD but we are finally done with Aurora's story and holy smokes I never thought that would be a story I would complete as it was a little side project for me but here we are. I hope to those who read it read the Author's Note because like I said... I had a completely different ending and if that's something you guys wanna see please let me know but it's a little sad finishing her story. Not like sad sad but I got to love Aurora's wittiness and her snarky attitude but now this also means I can start putting more focus into other stories and before we know it, I'll be finishing TBB: Aftermath. 
          And for the TBB: Aftermath readers I will probably start posting those on Sunday just because of my schedule it will make my life easier and I will be posting that this Wednesday but going forwards I will be posting on Sundays until completion. I am looking forward to finishing Valerie's story and I am excited to be getting back into working on Valerie's story during her Padawan years and my little Dad Batch side story as well... along with other stories that are in the works >:)
          Anyways happy Sunday!


@mand0jedi Thank you! And thank you for adding my stories to your reading list! I hope they meet your expectations :)


@xoautumnbratxo Oh, I can imagine! Even working on one was stressful at times for me, can’t imagine how it would have been dealing with two. Good job on pushing through though!


Chronic diseases just might be the death of me... although my body may be trying to kill me for the 500th time I have been counteracting it by doing a ton of sleeping XD and while I might have spent these last three days bed bound there has been some good done. When I am not sleeping I have been getting some serious work done for my TBB: Aftermath fic and I have finally finished all of the episode chapters!!! Now I just need to finish the few extra chapters and Valerie's story will be completed!! There have been some serious works/ edits done in getting this fic written out and yes, I promise I do read and see your guy's comments and I do hope the ending doesn't disappoint you all. I am excited though to when I will finally have everything written and posted!


If you finished watching The Bad Batch please read!! (Otherwise spoilers ahead)
          I'm just trying to get a feel on our beloved Bad Batch. How did we feel about Tech's death. I was of course devastated but of course with season 3 some of us (especially me) thought he might've come back in some way shape or form. So I want to know is how did we feel about that? We're some people upset that he didn't come back? Were they glad he stayed dead? Please do let me know as I am trying to get a feel for these things (some stuff may be in the works for my stories) So any sort of input would be greatly appreciated!!


@MDjarin17 oh same. My mind doesn’t ever stop! And the thought did cross my mind once season 3 finished but I just decided to follow the story but now my reader have me rethinking. (But also this would be the 2nd time a changed and ending because of them XD)


@xoautumnbratxo LOL yeah, I have a busy imagination, to put it mildly. (And I just realized there's a typo in Tech, my bad). Well, I hope you keep him alive, but it's up to you!


@MDjarin17 I honestly feel that on the 20 other things lmao! But some of my reader from my Tech story have been asking I keep him alive (hence this post lol) so I’m keeping my options open at the moment but I have to make a choice soon XD