
Hello to my readers currently. 
          	I am having a bit of a problem... I am in a Star Wars rut. Don't get me wrong I love Star Wars, I have since my early childhood but I am finding myself coming up short on writing inspirations and I have been dragging my feet the past 3-ish weeks. After talking about it with a friend (aka I needed confirmation I wasn't being the worst) I have decided to be taking a break on posting.
          	I have been pretty much posting nonstop (weekly) since coming back on Wattpad with the start of my Tech fic and currently I just feel like I am not putting out my best work. I feel a break will do me some good and I don't feel the pressure of putting out subpar work. I do not know when the hiatus will stop but I will still be interacting on Wattpad just not sharing my stories until I feel I am back again.
          	Fear not my hyperfixations do this from time to time. They go into hibernation only to reemerge from the dead at some ungodly, inconvenient hour. I am still writing... it's just not Star Wars at the moment. I hope people do understand.
          	I will still be here,
          	Autumn <3


Hello to my readers currently. 
          I am having a bit of a problem... I am in a Star Wars rut. Don't get me wrong I love Star Wars, I have since my early childhood but I am finding myself coming up short on writing inspirations and I have been dragging my feet the past 3-ish weeks. After talking about it with a friend (aka I needed confirmation I wasn't being the worst) I have decided to be taking a break on posting.
          I have been pretty much posting nonstop (weekly) since coming back on Wattpad with the start of my Tech fic and currently I just feel like I am not putting out my best work. I feel a break will do me some good and I don't feel the pressure of putting out subpar work. I do not know when the hiatus will stop but I will still be interacting on Wattpad just not sharing my stories until I feel I am back again.
          Fear not my hyperfixations do this from time to time. They go into hibernation only to reemerge from the dead at some ungodly, inconvenient hour. I am still writing... it's just not Star Wars at the moment. I hope people do understand.
          I will still be here,
          Autumn <3


Hi friends!
          I know I don't have many followers but if you're not already, I strongly recommend giving a follow to my friend Melia aka @MDjarin17 she's only 1 more follower away from 700!! That's a huge accomplishment and we should help her reach her goal!! So please give her a follow <3
          Have a good evening!


@xoautumnbratxo Thanks so much, again!!! I really appreciate it!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@MDjarin17 Of course! You deserve it!! <3


@xoautumnbratxo AWWWWWWWW, thank you so much!!!!! You just made my day!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I'm screaming internally (and externally let's be honest) I finally finished I book that I want to get published. It's a book that I had started way back in high school. I accidently shut it way and all these years later I pulled it from the archives and brushed the dust off and it took months but I think I finally finished it tonight!
          I joined back on Wattpad writing my little Star Wars stories. I write my Star Wars stories because it helps my brain shut up and I love creative writing, but it's been a goal of mine to publish a book of my own.
          I got into writing poetry in high school to help figure out my thoughts and help me deal with my struggling depression during that time, and now my little high school self would be so happy to hear that I finished the poetry book she started all those years ago.
          But now the hard part... going about the steps to possibly get it published. Do I start here on Wattpad? Do I turn this account into more than just a Star Wars account or do I make a new profile for non-related Star Wars stuff? Do I try self-publishing or try to go through a publisher?
          If anyone has any advice on literally any of the above, or any other advice I would definitely appreciate it because I actually never thought I would get to this point in my life and now I'm SOS 
          Help a girly out please!


@xoautumnbratxo Of course! And you should be excited!!!
            You're very welcome!! I'm always happy to help!! :D


@MDjarin17 thank you so much!! I’m so excited! And I’ll definitely check out inkspired and I’ll probably turn this into a multi-purpose account too. Thank you so much for the advice I do appreciate it :)


@xoautumnbratxo AAAAAAHHHH, that's amazing!!! You should be really proud of yourself!!!
            I don't have really any experience in this area (yet XD), but I would say Wattpad is definitely a good place to start, and then you can branch out from there. Inkspired is also a good writing platform, especially if you're looking to get published.
            I would also publish your poetry book on this account, first, since this is where people know to find your work, but you can always create a seperate account and transfer the book there if you start writing more poetry or have ideas that you want to jot down.
            Hope this helps!! And congrats, again!!!


It is finally done!
          I have gone through and finalized editing for TBB: Aftermath and again I am filled with bittersweet happiness. My love for Valerie and Tech continues to grow and I am so happy and sad that I think I am officially finished with the beginning of their story.
          I had added some new chapter, heavily edited some other, and even decided to share a bonus chapter as well (Do you get the chapter reference? I love doing little non-Star Wars easter eggs ;)
          As always I continue on with working on my other Star Wars stories and I can't wait to see what kind of mischief Valerie gets into during The Clone Wars.
          Until next time,


@xoautumnbratxo Of course!! And LOL, editing can definitely be a nightmare.


@MDjarin17 Thank you so much! Definitely took forever in the editing department so I am a little glad that's over XD and I can't wait for you to read it!!


@xoautumnbratxo Congrats on finishing it!!! And I can't wait to read it!!


Hey, just wanted to check in and see how you're doing. ❤️❤️❤️


@xoautumnbratxo Thanks, I appreciate it!! And I'm glad whatever you've got is running its course!!


@MDjarin17 ugh I am sorry that you’re feeling under the weather too. Thankfully I think whatever this is, is workings its course. I hope you feel better soon as well!


I try to get lost in the creativity of my mind but right now, it's just blank. For the first time in a while I'm just blank.
          Just thankful that this week is over... From Monday until today I feel like has been nothing but terrible news after terrible news. I love my career and I always will but some days it really does love to challenge me. Being a Veterinary Technician is what I was definitely born to do. That's what my family tells me, but I can't help but question it when I can't save my loved one's furry friends.
          My grandmother deserves the world. She doesn't have much and she'll give you what little she has. Today 1/10/2025 at 2pm I stayed with her while she had to say goodbye to cat. She was an angry little girl but I knew she was hurting when she let me hold her without even a hiss and it breaks my own heart that there was nothing I could do to say that could help my grandmother. That there was nothing I could do to save her cat.
          I don't even know what to do right now. I've cried so much today that I've cried myself dry. I think I just really want to scream and be angry because why can't animals just live forever. It really isn't fair.
          I suppose I just need to be angry somewhere and I guess Wattpad is just where I am letting it out right now. I don't even know anymore.
          Cynder, our spicy little girl, I am so sorry but I know that you are not hurting anymore. Be one with the others we lost. Duke, Duchess, Xander, Zoey, and my own special Bo, please take care of Cynder at the rainbow bridge.


@xoautumnbratxo Of course. And I know it's hard to see it now, but it wasn't your fault.
            And do whatever you think will help. ❤️


@MDjarin17 thank you. I’m still trying to convince myself that it’s not my fault and we did everything we could for her. I know it’s not… maybe I just need to sleep on this.


@xoautumnbratxo Yeah, I think anger is probably easier to deal with, 'cause you it's not necessarily directed at you, but at the situation, and you just happen to be the one in the situation.
            And I'm sorry you feel the way you do. I understand the guilt, especially considering the strong relationship I'm assuming you have with her, but just know that it isn't your fault, and I'm sure she's grateful that you were there to comfort her and her cat.
            And of course, that's what friends are for. Again, I understand. Letting it out is usually the best medicine.


          This is probably going to be one of the more worse announcements I have to make (the English sounds rough but we are all current mad) so someone has reported @mandojedi’s account and now it gone, like gone gone. We have been chatting and she wants her followers to know that she will not be coming back (fanfic wise) unless Wattpad fixes this wrong. She does have an alternate account that if you need to reach out to her it’s @ccxyhuang
          To anyone one else who knew about this ongoing issue or understand. I please please please ask to forward/ share this message so that way in hopes of all her followers can find out what happened to her account.
          This… I feel is terrible


@-fyxx- Definitely, it was so unfair on how the whole thing went down. I feel so bad for her.


I dislike how it went and feel for her


@ahsokawolf11 yea. Unfortunately her account and story’s have been deleted. Spreading the message definitely helps 


Good evening! (Please read!!)
          So I have decided to take some of my own advice that I give to people and start working on other smaller projects other than my main one at the moment, and because of that I had gotten some serious editing done for TBB: Aftermath AND have gotten another three chapters written for The Dad Batch (And also some other chapters written for some future projects ;). Now that I have gotten the writing juices flowing again I am happily ready to start working on A Padawan's Journey again.
          With that being said. I do hope to post another chapter of The Dad Batch next Thursday and can work on regular updates again, but I am not promising anything on that front. This is more of an educated wish. I do hope everyone takes the time to read TDB because I am trying to go for sweet new found family style and it's kinda worked its way into my favorites. <3
          Another note... After having a lovely chat with another writer and them telling me about some frustrations they were going with Wattpad and other internal issues I have decided to update my bio and added a disclaimer to it. I probably should have done this from the beginning but it's here now and this is my disclaimer for my books (especially my fanfiction) going forward. Like the disclaimer says, I am a very easy going person and you can come and talk to me if you feel there is a similarity story issue. I just love writing and this is just my creative outlet until I hopefully get to publish a book of my own one day.
          That is all and I hope everyone has a lovely night


@mand0jedi Of course! That's what friends are for. I hope your weekend gets better. ❤️


@xoautumnbratxo I wholeheartedly agree! ❤️❤️❤️


@mand0jedi Definitely take all the time you need!! It sucks that is has to be this way but I totally understand! And like @MDjarin17 I didn't think you were too heated. We definitely need to support one another and I'll be here for you <3


Here’s to 2025! Let’s hope that it’s a great year for everyone. I’m hoping for better year as well and I wish everyone a successful writing year :)
          Cheers to the New Year!
          <3 <3