
hey guys! i know i haven’t been quite active lately, but just a couple minutes ago i published my new hogwarts fanfiction ‘four different worlds’! it has none of the original characters but i worked on every character for quite a while  so if you’re interested, please go and check it out! thanks guys! have great day/night!!


hey guys! i know i haven’t been quite active lately, but just a couple minutes ago i published my new hogwarts fanfiction ‘four different worlds’! it has none of the original characters but i worked on every character for quite a while  so if you’re interested, please go and check it out! thanks guys! have great day/night!!


yooo wassup guys ✌️❤️
          stranger things season frickin 4 is ouuttt!! already watched up to ep 4 ‘dear billy’ and damn this sh!t is darker than the last of us part 2 and that is darkkk. but like in all seriousness it’s pretty dark and can cause nightmares for some viewers so yh just watch out. anyywayys, im not gonna give any spoilers, but what i will say is that ‘someone’ finally gets a love interest of the same gender soo yeah that’s all im saying. ok well hope you guys enjoy season 4 and have a great day ahead of y’all.
          bye guyss ❤️


i have news.......
          1. the person turned out to be a catfish x (idrc tbh) - one of the 'mean girls' in my class must've seen my wattpad and the other day i told one of the other 'mean girls' to tell her ik what she did haha her face went red im like gotcha biitch
          2. im in my schools musical! in the chorus (big kids ensemble), it's matilda (the musical)
          and my friend Kyan got trunchbull, tayla got matilda, ellie got the acrobat and josh got Rudolpho, the guy who was having an affair w Mrs wormwood aha he was not happy about that and
          3. my cousin is the lead in her musical, she plays gabriella in hsm2 and last night was her opening night and she has two more nights ahead of her. she is amazing so good honestly! but the guy who plays troy is pretty good too, and he's actually cuutee aha anyways 
          anyways guys have an amazing day or night wherever u are and yh byeee


soooo......... i am currently in contact w the person that likes me and its going pretty well! i call zi cats (zie/zi) and ze called me baby..... i dont know how i feel about that i just feel weird ig idfk ah godd help meeeeee


          my english teacher found out about my wattpad and now wants the links to ALL of my published stories (fanfics and all) and imma just go hide under a rock for the rest of my life
          imma just send her four, two fanfics, two ogs and the LEAST gayest ones which is hard to choose from so DEFINITELY not fingers crossed, ill maybe do ums, eclipse, elements and something about this place..... btw their probs all gonna be gay later on sooooo


@alnoceda my scariest nightmare. 


@alnoceda omgomgomg good luck