
Just took down Behind These Bruised Barriers because I couldn't bare the thought of people reading that horrifically unedited/plot-hole ridden story. I'm hoping to change it up so it's less vomit-inducing and not written by my past 15 year old self, might take a little while (or a long while if you know how lazy I am).


Just took down Behind These Bruised Barriers because I couldn't bare the thought of people reading that horrifically unedited/plot-hole ridden story. I'm hoping to change it up so it's less vomit-inducing and not written by my past 15 year old self, might take a little while (or a long while if you know how lazy I am).


Hey guuyyyysss - okay so I seriously don't remember the last time I posted an update on Behind These Bruised Barriers BUT I HAVE NOW! So I hope that makes up for my lack of chapter-updating and me being a shitty 'author'. Forgive me and enjoy my lovelies