
There was something strange happening when we arrived at Lake Louise and stood in front of this hotel. The windows seemed to get a life of their own, they stared down at us, and we just felt that we'd better get ready to run when this giant house would break free in the next few seconds. This thing was a giant trap, something made to attract and to kill, and we were just much too close in this moment…
          	“Haunting” is a ghost story happening in broad daylight. Read it now in full length on my Twitter!


There was something strange happening when we arrived at Lake Louise and stood in front of this hotel. The windows seemed to get a life of their own, they stared down at us, and we just felt that we'd better get ready to run when this giant house would break free in the next few seconds. This thing was a giant trap, something made to attract and to kill, and we were just much too close in this moment…
          “Haunting” is a ghost story happening in broad daylight. Read it now in full length on my Twitter!


Speaking of
          Some people on #Wattpad - and on social media in general - are really lame brains and seem to take real comments for granted, which means: They don’t even respond to them. 
          Today I decided to stop supporting such socially awkward persons; I don’t read their books, I won’t comment content of them, neither on Wattpad nor here on Instagram, and I unfollow such people wherever I experience such lousy behavior.
          That’s not an ego trip, guys. 
          I just don’t wanna waste my time on douchebags who don’t deserve any attention.


Sometimes it’s so easy to turn the tables, isn’t it? And when it comes to making love, these little power plays are so much fun! In your fantasy taken from your collection TALKING BODY it’s like an initiation following this seductive stranger, but it didn’t need much time until she got him by the balls. Pretty realistic in the end!
          @PaintTheDarkSkyBlue writes:


All the feelings in this intense poem from your collection “Random poetry”, and I’m impressed. We’re hurt in these situations, and it’s almost impossible to leave an subjective standpoint when our heart is broken.
          @KingXanarchy writes: