
Hey guys,
          	Over the past few months of me trying to finish this book I have looked at all of the comments that are in the book and I am grateful to the amount of people who enjoy the book and want me to update again however there are a few comments, whether meant to sound rude or not, that made me want to remind everyone that I am the one writing this book, if you have a problem with a certain member doing something or the way Ara acts or the way a member speaks please don't read my book or comment on it because I am first and foremost writing this book and the scenarios that happen for myself as there weren't many books when I joined the fandom. I really appreciate that you guys know the members just like I do but what happens in the book is up to me. 
          	I will try and update again soon but I can't make any promises.


Hey guys,
          Over the past few months of me trying to finish this book I have looked at all of the comments that are in the book and I am grateful to the amount of people who enjoy the book and want me to update again however there are a few comments, whether meant to sound rude or not, that made me want to remind everyone that I am the one writing this book, if you have a problem with a certain member doing something or the way Ara acts or the way a member speaks please don't read my book or comment on it because I am first and foremost writing this book and the scenarios that happen for myself as there weren't many books when I joined the fandom. I really appreciate that you guys know the members just like I do but what happens in the book is up to me. 
          I will try and update again soon but I can't make any promises.


Hi guys, I am so sorry that I haven't posted this week, a lot has been happening. I finished school for summer, I had loads of work to get done and printed off before we finished otherwise I wouldn't get a grade!! It has been stressful. I am away camping from Monday till Thursday next week but I will try an write a chapter while I am there. If not because I am on Summer holidays I will do two maybe three chapters to go up the week after. Thank you so much for all of your support I really appreciate you guys and can't believe how many readers I have got already its crazy honestly. Hope you have a safe and fun Summer xx