
Hey, guys. Usually I hate shameless advertisements, but I would really like you all to check out Hopeful if you'd all like. Comments, votes, reads are all great encouragement for me to write more. Thanks so much! I hope you all have a great day! <3 xoxo


Hey, guys. Usually I hate shameless advertisements, but I would really like you all to check out Hopeful if you'd all like. Comments, votes, reads are all great encouragement for me to write more. Thanks so much! I hope you all have a great day! <3 xoxo


Hopeful's been updated. Check it out and leave feedback! Love hearing from you all :) Thanks, xoxo
          P.S. Chapters Three and Four are not completely online, only partially for some reason. On the mobile app, you can read it fine. I don't know if it's just something that is happening to my account, but if you'd like, go back and read those chapters since I've asked for WP Help to fix the issue ASAP. Thanks, guys!


Hola, mis amigos! <---- the extent of my Español. 
          Anyway, since most of you will look past this, I just want to thank those who won't... So, uh, thanks,
          I just wanted to remind you guys of my latest story, Hopeful, and that you all should check it out and leave a comment (or a vote, or both- preferably, both). I don't know why my motivation to write came back RIGHT at the start of school, but it did and I'm not going to let it go.
          For those who choose to keep reading it, I apologize in advance for the obnoxiously late updates. 
          Anyway, carry on, my loves <3 be positive and remember that there's also a certain someone (me) who cares a shit-load about you :) 
          ~ lots of love xoxo


***Please read :)
          Hey, followers. I've realized that while I thanked most of you for following us, I haven't shown even the slightest bit of my gratitude correctly. No reply is necessary because I know that a lot of you will overlook this, but I hope that this message will bring a smile to at least a couple of you.
          Yes, it's true that you're the reason we exist. Yes, it's true that a lot of our motivation stems from you. But you're also the reason behind our smiles and the slight lifts to our dampened moods. Whenever I see that we've gained a follower- a supporter- it brings a broad smile to my face and raises my confidence in my writing. So, not only are you guys the backbone of xoxobesties, you are also the reason behind our self-esteem and happiness.
          And just like we feel a tiny bit better, tiny bit lighter, a tiny bit prouder, we want you to know that we want to bring a smile to YOUR faces, make YOUR lives happier. That click of a button does not go unnoticed. 
          When you're feeling down, just know that you've made a real person just a tiny bit happier to be alive. That's a huge accomplishment. When you're feeling lonely, just know that we are thinking of you. When you're feeling "worthless", just know that xoxobesties would not have been writing as much as we are now if it wasn't for you.
          So thank you. There's not much we can give, but here's a glipse of our sincerest gratitude. 
          - lots of love xoxo