
@jazaly19 thank you for giving me a sweet welcome! You seem like the type who is very charming! Honestly, if I knew u in person I probably would've Givin u a thnk u letter lol


@xoxoglitter Thanks & I have been writing since I learned how to :) I love it .My characters invade my dreams and its like i watch my stories play out like a movie in front of me. I 'm not one for editing so it will take time for them to be edited but I hope you enjoy them! Once I really get into a character they come alive and have a mind of there own!!


@ishalahiri123 thanks I wrote the next chapter, I just dnt have time to post it so I'm probably gonna do it tomorrow Cuz I'm with the family for the holiday
          I appreciate all my new fans tht have read my book, and once it becomes ore popular, every one tht comments I  the next few days and the people that have already will get shout out! I'm so great full and I Love U guys!