
Not an actual chapter but, here’s a the intro!! The actual story will start sometime this weekend.


Question so what do we wanna see more of?
          The main plot of the original story is wrapping up within the next chapter or so now that the whole Alchemax/Anastasia Solace story line is over with, but I'm still not ready to give up the characters yet 
          The plan for now is to write about Daphs struggles with her identity being known and all while also trying to get balance back in her life after being gone 8 months.
          Was gonna plan on adding more squad interaction (Daph, Miles, Ganke, Lola) which I didn't actually plan on making a thing originally but I kinda love it.
          Will absolutely be exploring more on Daph and Miles relationships, maybe a sprinkle of like jealousy and controlling issues and all that since it's both of their first real relationships.
          Maybe I'll also add some new side villains that aren't really important but you know like filler characters so the rest of the story isn't as boring.
          But yeah let me know what you guys want more of and I'll be sure to see what I can do!!
          Love you guys tons!!
          P.S The next chapter will be the last one in this book, but do not worry the second optional book (for all those who want more of Daph and Miles and everyone else) will be getting written shortly that’s where I’ll explore I’ll the stuff I wrote above!!


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I love it! 
            I’d love to see more of how she took down alchemex. 
            Maybe one last guy wrenching scene when she finally faces off with her mother after being “dead” for eight months! 
            Omg id love to see more of her and Miles too! How she’s trying to fall back into routine, but maybe she saw things at alchemex that’s fucking with her? Making it hard? 
            Making more of the sinister six? Green Goblin and the others? 
            Maybe it’s like their operations were weakened by the death of Fisk and the take down of alchemex? A whole new set of villians that are  trying to replace Fisk and his operations? Omg I think that would be so dope! 
            Ouu have her and Miles become a team. Or maybe now that she’s back miles makes his mind up about going to college? How everyone else seems to be adjusting well with her being back while her internal world crumbles?? 
            (Sorry lol ik you probably have your own storyline. Im a bit of a rambler) 


Guys I’m gonna be honest the book was meant to end like 15 chapters ago, but I keep wanting to add more. 
          I’m posting this now so I don’t end up adding like 20 more chapters. The book will end within the next 5-6 chapters so stay tuned!!
          Next chapter will be up soon and I might post the one after that sometime later today!!


@xoxoitsevees trust me. NONE of us are complaining 


@xoxoitsevees I can't wait until they reunite 