
Is there anybody out there? Well if there is, let me tell you that updates are coming. Check out Hurricane to refresh your memory and expect more to come.
          	Sorry I've been MIA college has taken its toll on me and I've been super busy. Yet, inspiration comes to my when it's not supposed to. Like today, I'm supposed to be studying for this test I have tomorrow and I just spent 2 hours writing a chapter. *sighs*


Hey there when are you updating Love Me Harder 


@ evilone2912 hey!! The truth is I wasn't planning on updating it but I have a couple of chapters written down and I probably will soon. In the meantime, why don't you check out my new story Hurricane and let me know what you think?


Is there anybody out there? Well if there is, let me tell you that updates are coming. Check out Hurricane to refresh your memory and expect more to come.
          Sorry I've been MIA college has taken its toll on me and I've been super busy. Yet, inspiration comes to my when it's not supposed to. Like today, I'm supposed to be studying for this test I have tomorrow and I just spent 2 hours writing a chapter. *sighs*


The sequel of Hard to Love is up guys.
          Add Love me Harder to your library and check out the first chapter ❤


@faith8903 I usually update more than once a week if I get feedback. But I'm in college so it depends on how busy I am too. ☺


@xoxolazygirl how often do u update ur stories just a question