
 #Basicbitchhere lol I'm stupid :)


Aww babe (i call all my friends tht) bear in there and no matter what anyone else says you are perfect. and thats that. God see's you as perfect i see u as perfect so just stay Happy, keep ur account. come to me if u ever need to talk. And go talk to Melanie mabey tht will make u feel better!! (-;


Hi guys so apparently I wasn't on but I got my phone took but I'm using my sisters phone so I'll be on in the middle of the night. but I don't know if I want to keep this account yet but tell me if I should or shouldn't.: ( but anyways I get hate because I'm Bisexual and other stuff like that. I lost a lot of people in my life some passed away and some moved on like my friends. well that's all about what's happening in my life. :( :( :(


@nevaeha_grier never give up bae . you have us and Magcon boys who always love you and by your side !!!
            Love ya ♥


@nevaeha_grier  aww thank u guys and I'll keep this account


@nevaeha_grier we luv u stAY STRONG✌✌✌