
Eventually you need to relize when nothing you say changes anything. Its been about a full day and nothing has changed. Call me disgusting and stupid and pathetic and what ever you want. Ill let you say what you want. I wont take the book down. Let it go. Annoy some other creator. I just wanna live my life k. 


this message may be offensive
are you fucking braindead?? you’re DISGUSTING and the fact that you felt entitled to keep the story up says a lot about your character. fuck you, dude. how can you call yourself a supporter of these people whilst deliberately disrespecting them and making them uncomfortable. keep it up, kid. karma's a bitch :)


you’re the problem here, we’re trying to be respectful. when i first dm’ed you, i was being CIVIL, borderline kind. you didn’t agree to taking the book down, under the pretext it was entertaining to people. babe, making others uncomfortable IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT. && you ACKNOWLEDGING you’re in the wrong with those ships doesn’t make it okay. you’re not cute, or quirky for writing about a pairing that was proven to be uncomfortable with it. telling people to “let it go”, “leave it” isn’t going to do anything either, because guess what? these are REAL PEOPLE you’re writing about. they have REAL BOUNDARIES, shipping people who don’t like it and making nsfw content of that couple is WRONG and you are DISGUSTING. and to the people in their requests; you’re equally as disgusting for requesting such things. 


hey i don’t meant to be like everyone else but could you please take down the book? it’s making everyone uncomfortable and it’s overstepping the boundaries of the mcyt. sexualising minors isn’t okay. i think it would be best for you and everyone else if you take the book down. it’s being respectful to all the mcyt and it can stop ur self from getting more hate. i don’t want you to get hate and i don’t want the youtubers and streamers to feel uncomfortable because of the things their own fandom are doing.
          maybe people could’ve been nicer in telling you to take down the book but you’ve gotta understand that it’s because they don’t want content creators to be disrespected especially when they have said many times what their boundaries are and how uncomfortable it makes then feel. 
          and with you being a minor, you should be able to respect tubbo and tommy’s boundaries. it doesn’t matter if you’ve “changed” the fanfic because the intention was once there.
          if you’re doing this for attention, then believe me there are other ways. if you want to talk to someone about it, i know my dm’s are open. 
          if you’re keeping it up so you can read it, just unpublish it and you can continue to read it in your drafts. 
          all you have to do is press a few buttons and say sorry to everyone. you won’t look pathetic, if anything it makes you a stronger person.  
          it’s easier for you to delete then getting wattpad involved with everyone that’s reporting the story.
          and trust me when i say it’ll be better for you. 


thanks for coming to my ted talk :) <3


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Hey, yeah me again. Please take the book down. Many people on this platform have gone out of their way to tell you that the content you are producing is dehumanizing to cc's. You refuse to respect the cc's wishes against fanfiction, sexualizing two minors who have both expressed their discomfort with ffs, and now play victim against an array of writers who are calling you out on your shit simply because you are 13.
          You're an actual child. Writing smut. About people older than you. Not just that, but including Tommy and Tubbo's names in the tags proves the intention you have to write smut about them. You being underaged as well doesn't make the situation lighter either. Take the book down, now. 


Eventually you need to relize when nothing you say changes anything. Its been about a full day and nothing has changed. Call me disgusting and stupid and pathetic and what ever you want. Ill let you say what you want. I wont take the book down. Let it go. Annoy some other creator. I just wanna live my life k. 


this message may be offensive
are you fucking braindead?? you’re DISGUSTING and the fact that you felt entitled to keep the story up says a lot about your character. fuck you, dude. how can you call yourself a supporter of these people whilst deliberately disrespecting them and making them uncomfortable. keep it up, kid. karma's a bitch :)


Hii it would be cool if you could take your book down? I’m also a 13 year old minor and I don’t wanna be rude or anything but your really crossing boundaries here... 
          It’s important to respect people, even tho they are public figures they are just as entitled to their rights and how they feel about things...
          Thank you:) also I don’t want to see all this hate directed at someone it’s not good:( so just take the book down:p