
Whew. Exams finally over. But damn, other exams on the 30th and 31st? Nuuuuuu.
          	So, I'll be a bit busy till Feb1, guys. If I'm reading your works and dissapear for a while in Jan, don't you worry. Ill be back come Feb.


@xrex110 Good luck with exams!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)


Thank you for the votes on Void Walker ^_^


@xrex110 of course not, my apologies!


@AtomicToaster Hey, do you mind continuing this conversation in Private Messages? I don't like the wall getting cluttered and it's a bit hard to keep track from here, but the PM system will be more organized and private, as well as overall better.


@xrex110 i guess my general strategy was to slowly introduce world-building at (what i think) are appropriate points in the story. #tryinghardnottoinfodump ehehe


Hey, thanks for the vote! I'm also a huge Guy Gabriel Kay fan - Under Heaven was my favorite fantasy novel of the past few years. Lion of al-Rassan is another favorite. If you keep reading, please let me know if there's anything I can improve. It's still my first draft and I'd love to know where readers are clunking. Right now the trouble spot seems to be chapter 4 - if you can make it past that, should be good. But anyway, let me know. Take care.


@AlecHutson You're welcome. 
            I fell for Guy Gavriel Kay after finished Tigana and then Lions of Al Rassan. Haven't read Under Heaven yet, though I have been meaning to get around to it.
            As for my thoughts on The Crimson Queen, I'll PM you on that. I have a lot to say, and much of it is stuff that shouldn't belong in the comments section of a story :P Rest assured, I'm enjoying your story so far and it's definitely intriguing enough to make me continue reading it.