
Recent chapter, 'New school,new me?' was just uploaded. Now onto Chapter 4,'Senior love'. No spoilers, but im hoping to post tomorrow


It's been three hours of planning writing erasing and restarting but Shaniya has finally finished chapter 3, New school. New me?, and is very excited to share it with you guys! Be sure to read and comment your thoughts and she will surely get back to you. Today is Tuesday and she will be returning Thursday, I know that she does have some drafts written up and I am going to try my very best to get them finished for you by hopefully today if not tomorrow. I n this chapter as I previously explained, we are only just getting into the storyline. In this amazing chapter, of which Shaniya tried her best to make as long as possible for you guys without any spoilers, Eliza meets a guy, Noah, but is unsure of her feelings. Because of this Kyann and her get into a fight over a silly mistake, will they make up? or continue to fade apart over the following chapters? 
          I  am SO excited for this journey to begin, and I'm even more excited that I get to share it with you beautiful people.
          After conclusion, Chapter 3 New school new me?, will be released! Your welcome honeys x


O M G!
          Fellow goats do I have the news for you!!
          Shaniya Waters (the owner of his accnt @Shaniya_waters= ig) is going away for a week on holidays and will be staying near the Great Barrier Reef, but she does have a few request for me. She is still writing as we speak, but she has poor wifi connection and won't be able to post until she returns, BUT, im here to save the day. She messaged me asking me to log in on her laptop and post her first 3 drafts of her new book- "shredded", (chapter 1- accepting changes/chapter 2-grounded) will be out shortly after this message is posted, and hopefully within an hour or two she will have completed Chapter 3, which I will notify you again when I am posting. She said she is sorry for the inconvenience and sorry that the first 2 chapters are very short she just wanted to give you an in look of the past of Kyann and Eliza's lives so that you may understand the future of the story a little better. She is sorry for the inconvenience but is trying her best to keep you guys posted, as am i.
          Nunight goatiesssss xoxox