Thanks peeps for all the votes and comments. I've moved the book 'The Zero Hour' from Adventure to Fantasy to see how well it does. We're now at #794 . Never despise the day of small beginnings I always say - let's see if we can break past the top #100!
Hi Christopher!
Just wanted to say thanks for the follow. It's always good to be in touch with fellow #NBR members. I'll follow you back.
Take care,
Hey there followers, thanks for all the reads, votes & comments. The Zero Hour has reached the all time high of #107 today, time to break out the champagne. I'm going to upload a bonus chapter today as a small thank you for all your support.
@JohnGunningham I don't know about good writer but I'm a pretty awesome reader I admit :P No worries and I hope they helped! Proud to be part of the book club.