
Holy cow, it's been literally forever since I've been on here. Like what, a year? Maybe more?! Yikes! But I'm back now, so… ummmmm I guess we'll see where this goes. Not sure what to do right now, so who knows what'll happen from here. I don't know what else to say. Umm, yea! Wanna talk or got any suggestions on what I can do, leave me a comment! Maybe I'll write a journal or something keep me occupied. Ah geez, I don't know. Give me some ideas if you've got any please!


Holy cow, it's been literally forever since I've been on here. Like what, a year? Maybe more?! Yikes! But I'm back now, so… ummmmm I guess we'll see where this goes. Not sure what to do right now, so who knows what'll happen from here. I don't know what else to say. Umm, yea! Wanna talk or got any suggestions on what I can do, leave me a comment! Maybe I'll write a journal or something keep me occupied. Ah geez, I don't know. Give me some ideas if you've got any please!


Hi guys sorry I don't update. I really wish I could, it's just been total chaos on my end right now. Plus, I'm going through serious writers block. I have school finals coming up soon, morning practices for air rifle, etc. I don't know what to do with my self any more. I've been feeling kinda down in the dumps too, so I'm hoping that gets better. To any of you who have thought of unfollowing me because I don't update, I hope you don't, but if that's what you want I understand. I'm trying to get out of this funk really badly, I have an update for one of my stories in the works, I'm just hoping I can get it typed up soon, but I don't even know anymore. I'm real sorry to those of you to whom I've made a promise to, and broke. I sincerely apologize. I wish I could go back and not let that happen but I can't. So I'm going to try to make it up to you guys soon. Ok? I'll post another note like this (not exactly like this) when I update my story or any of my stories. To those of you who have stuck with me through all my writers blocks and thick-headedness, I love you guys SO much… and thank you, really. Well I hope to see you guys in my next story update! Love y'all! Byeeeeee!❤️❤️❤️