to all the lovely people who give a fuck about me! I have great news for you: I'm back! I haven't been active lately because I have a boyfriend for now almost 7 months and I am absolutely in love with him, so I decided it would be some kind of deception to write gay porn. Recently I told him about my past on wattpad and he was absolutely cool with it! So, to make some kind of compromise, I decided to still write about Larry when I have the time to, but not to write smut. When smut is necessary in one of my stories I will ask someone else to write it. So no wirrries, you'll still get what you want ;)
Last but not least: Everything I just told you does NOT count, if I don't get 3 replies to this message. If I don't get 3 in the next 3 weeks, I will delete my stories and just keep reading the French one I just started.
Happy New Year to all my lovely followers, I believe in you!
Sincerely Yours, xtruedirectionerx