
I know I have long been absent but I have many works to revise and post. I am going to make an effort to be more active in terms of publishing works and what not. Good to be back. Much love!


Also I have resumed working on The Girlfriend Experience. I'm going to try to post new chapters monthly. It is one of my favorite things to spend time on but I had no choice but to postpone. My co-writer decided to ditch the project, so I am alone, making it a much harder thing. It's still very personal and I dunno it's just been a tough one. Please hang in there I promise to have a new chapter up by the end of NOVEMBER and monthly afterwards! Also a new story, "The Great Escape" is going up today please take the time to read one of my greatest works!


Oh my gosh!! "The Girlfriend Experience"  will have chapter three ASAP as will "A Moment in my Shoes" be updated. I've been so busy guys so much going on and ughhhhh. Please bear with me life is really tough right now and I'm trying really really hard.


Hey guys I'm so sorry "The Girlfriend Expirence" isn't up with new chapters. My co-writer well let's just say it's kinda a slight issue but I'm working on it to the best of my abilities also check out my poetry book "A Moment in my Shoes" which will be updated tomorrow evening. Thanks guys!


The Girlfriend Experience new chapter will be out soon I promise I promise going to try really hard to have it up before next weekend. I'm sorry it's been a really rough story to try and write just because of how personal it actually is....


The Girlfriend Experience is on hold for a little longer next chapter will be up next month sometime (I hope). I'm very sorry like I said it's a very big project very important to keep you as readers. My co-writer has a little time on the weekends to write generally so we are making progress slowly but surely. Also writer's block isn't a girls best friend when her lifetime dream is being an author. Please hang on for me, I promise next month sometime or this month MAYBE. Much love, Kthnxbaii!


To anyone reading  The Girlfriend Experience!
          The writing process of this story is on hold. While my co-writer cannot collaborate, there will be no new chapters put up. Please understand and hang in there, certain parts of this story depend on my co-writer. He will be back as soon as possible. Chapter 2 will follow shortly after. This is my biggest project in three years, and it's very important to me to keep you as readers. I am working on finding a solution to the predicament but as of right now, waiting it out seems like the only option. Sorry for the inconvenience but thank you guys so much. I'll keep you updated!