
I need to update my stories!! I just don't find the time at the moment between work and seeing my boyfriend.
          	I'm sorry to anyone who's been reading them and having left them unfinished 


Hope anyone who's still reading Falling Like The Stars enjoys the latest chapter. It's just a quick one to tide things over as I'm going away from 21st Dec- 28th Dec, so thought I'd leave things on a bit of a cliffhanger until I'm back..........because I'm nice like that :)


Sorry I've been so quiet with story writing. I've just been uninspired and don't want to publish anything half-aesed.
          I'm trying to finish 'Falling Like The Stars' as I'm on the final book and have an idea how I would like it to end, but at the same time, don't want to rush the ending.
          Once I have completed that, I'm going to continue with, 'Will Heaven Fall Into My Lonely Earth?' and try to get that finished.
          I also have another 30stm fanfic I've been messing about with and I'm liking the plot of so far, so might start typing that up soon(ish). It's going to be called 'Viva La Vida Loca'.
          I don't know if anyone is even reading my stories anymore at this point, but I'm going to continue to publish and update nonetheless.


@xwoodbine36x hey hey. I'm gradually finishing falling like the stars which does feature Shannon
            Its weird. I think a lot of people are over 30stm in general. I miss the old them. Their new music is such a snoozefest and they sound so boring and generic now 
            Its so sad to see


Hey, I log on once a week hoping for a Shan man story update. Not really sure why, I think I’m done with 30stm fandom. No one writes anymore and I have been less than inspired .


If anyone is reading 'Can Heaven Fall Into My Lonely Earth?', I haven't forgotten about it, it just want to finish off my other story first which will be soon as I'm currently on Book 3 which will be the last.
          Once I have completed that, I will resume this story.
          Thank you to anyone who's been reading any of my stories. It means a lot


New Wattpad updates are doing my nut in!
          I just used some italics in my next chapter and it keeps randomly changing the entire chapter to italics.
          I keep changing it back and as I'm typing it'll just change everything to italics again!
          What is going on!!!!


The planets were misaligned lol. Contact tech support and create a ruckus. 


Is anyone else finding that Wattpad just crashes?
          Twice now, I've typed out whole chapters and saved them as drafts, and then it just won't load them!
          It just freezes. So I've had to retype them out all over again!!!!!
          I just lost 3000 words 


Hi hi,
          I’m a new romance writer to Wattpad and would appreciate it if you could check out my new story. If you could give me feedback and help me improve, that’d be great! I’ll check yours as well. 
          Thank you in advance❤️


@LioAmore that's exactly what I thought. May aswell duck it up and go for it


Thank you. Totally go for it. You'll never know if you don't try!


@LioAmore Hi There
            Of course I can. 
            I'm pretty new here, although I've been dabbling in writing for a while, but only just recently felt brave enough to share.


Hey Guys
          Sorry for the slow updates of my stories.
          I haven't abandoned them, my hearts just not been into it as much at the moment, and I'd rather not write something half-arsed just for the sake of it.
          I'm hoping my enthusiasm will come back shortly.
          Been going through some weird times too. 
          I've been feeling very down lately and my anxiety has been terrible, so I haven't really been able to focus on anything much as of late anyway.
          Also, I have the 1st anniversary of my Mum's passing coming up in the New Year, which means my first Xmas without her, so that's been getting me down a little.
          I don't want to abandon these stories by any means, but you'll all just have to bear with me.
          I really appreciate each and every follower and also anyone whose taken the time to read any of the chapters to any of my stories. It's appreciated more than you will know.
          Hopefully I'll have something up for you all soon 


@xwoodbine36x That is so sweet of you. Thank you so much 


I’m so sorry you’re having such an emotional time. It’s no wonder you’re taking a break. We all have times where life throws us off. I have anxiety too and sometimes it can be debilitating. I totally understand so don’t beat yourself up . Only recently have a few pieces of a health issue I’ve had for years come together. Luckily I am on a medication that’s helping a little and I’ve been able to write a little lately. It feels good to have that outlet back, but it could be short lived. Let yourself grieve. I don’t think losses like that ever go away. I had an anniversary of one over the weekend and I had an awful time. Let yourself feel your way through things. What’s helped with my anxiety lately is something I heard in a meditation: thoughts come and thoughts go. I tell myself that a lot lately and it works pretty well sometimes. Breathing is also helpful. Don’t feel any need to apologize. Life happens. ❤️❤️❤️