
October 13th 2034 <3


Hi, baby. I just wanted to remind you that I love you. This isn't going to be as long as my little messages usually are, but I just wanted to remind you that you're so very loved 


            Sifbskfndb so are you-


Them >>>>


I know I only send these when you've gone to bed, and I'm really sorry for that. It's because I'm bad at sharing how I feel
          Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I love you and that will never stop. I may not be perfect, or very good at showing that I love you, or good at keeping a conversation, but I do love you.
          If you ever start to doubt that, please tell me. My love for you has never wavered, and I don't want you to think that I don't love you.
          I know I'm bad at showing it and I don't tell you these things when you're awake, and I'm sorry, but I'm going to start trying. I figured out why I haven't been able to without having a panic attack, so I'm going to try and fix it. I want to be able to tell you how much I love you when you're awake, and I don't know why but it's what you deserve.
          I'm going to try to be a better partner, okay? You deserve the absolute best and I know I haven't been that the last couple months, even if you don't think so. I'm going to try to do better, because you deserve the world and someday I hope to give it and so much more to you.
          I love you, Eryn, and I always will.
          Please try your best to be patient with me while I figure out the damage that has been left. My screen is under repair at the moment, and I ask that you please try to be patient. I'm really trying 
          I love you so much, Eryn
          Please tell me if you ever, ever start to doubt that 


            Eek- thank you- so are you- <3


Hey, bub
          I know you don't feel the best right now, so I wanted to leave you this
          I love you so much, please do your best to remember that. I know things are hard and sometimes it seems like the hard will never end, but I promise you that it will. 
          I'm going to be with you to fight through all the hard things, okay? I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to listen and give virtual hugs, and someday I'll be here to listen and give real hugs and protect you from the world. 
          I love you, please try to remember that. If you find yourself unable to, message me and I'll remind you. 
          You mean the absolute world to me, bub <3


            I really appreciate you too <3


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Hi yes you
          You're really pretty
          You're so pretty
          Holy shit
          There's not gonna be a lot here because you have broken my brain
          But holy shit
          You're gorgeous
          Oh my god
          My brain has never short circuited this bad other than when we got together
          Holy fuck


            Thank you, my beautiful boy <3


            And I'm glad you're happy, bubba <3


            I'm glad you're happy, baby <3


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Also hi friendly reminder to drink some fucking water today <3
          (This tone is very kind just for the record-)


            I will, baby, I promise <3


Oh, how I love them <3


            You're cute tooo


this message may be offensive
Hey, love. I know you're doing super great, so I wanted to leave you this for whenever you wake up. This is shorter than my others because I'm tired as fuck, but I wanted to do something 
          I think you're a truly amazing person who deserves the world, and I hope that someday you're able to get it. You deserve everything you want and so much more, and I hope you're able to get it.
          I truly love you and I hope you never forget that. If you ever forget, please let me know. If you ever forget that you are loved, or amazing, or wanted, or beautiful, or wonderful, or anything like that, please tell me so that I can remind you in every single way that you are each one of those things
          I love you so much


            Of course, baby
            Thank you, my love


            Thank you so much, bubba 
            I really appreciate it, and you, and everything you've done for me
            I love you too, bub, and all this goes back to you 


I forgot to do this yesterday, so here we go
          I really do love you. Loving you is the easiest thing I've done in my whole life. Loving you is like breathing.
          I never want to stop loving you, at any point in my life, and I don't think I will.
          I want to get to marry you and place a pretty ring on your finger. I want us to pinky promise that we won't leave each other because god knows we're the most childish people ever and that's okay. I want to be able to tell you, in person, just how much I love you.
          You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I want to thank you for giving me something to look forward to later in my life. You've given me a new hope, you've become my light that's leading me out of the dark tunnel. 
          Thank you for loving me. I promise I'll always love you, no matter what