
this message may be offensive
Oh and the midterms are next week! On Monday! I fucking hate my life for this


What are so many typos in that last thing I'm saying is just essentially America you can leave your parents and America left his dad England in Italia so he's kind of like doing that and that's what I mean so if you don't want that other one this is the one that is the summary of it I guess I don't know sorry for typos I'm using the microphone again since I don't want to type.


I want to explain this to me so in America you are allowed to technically divorce your parents. In Hetalia England is kind of like America's dad and America leaves England so what did he kind of be leaving his dad a little and what I also don't understand is that I do understand it is when England wants America to where the where the seat on a daily basis he says this is too uncomfortable I'll just wear it on special occasions that's what Americans do on the that's what Americans that's what Americans do we only wear fancy suits and dresses on special occasions like Christmas so on so forth so is it like in Italian I like showing what like what Americans do because essentially America leaves his dad which is essentially he's gaining freedom from his father in America you can leave your parents with their consent as long as you get there a signature I know this because it was TV show don't ask me what TV show this is called Gossip Girl I need you it's strange because you can divorce your parents and essentially America left England his dad in a sense and kind of like just went off and did his own thing so is it is he essentially like leaving his dad in the sense I don't know you guys tell me what you think. BTW guys I use this all like from a microphone I was tired I didn't want to type so I just use the microphone on the computer so if it's very strange being said like I was saying it that is why.