
Everything in this world is temporary. Do not get too attached to anything here, because this is not our home.


Point to Remember: I was not made by accident, I am one of a kind.
          God had made everyone as they are. Big or small, short and tall. He had thought of us, to the very last detail. God planned for us to be created into this world, even if our parents didn't plan us. We weren't made by accident, we weren't made by the "Big bang" theory, We were made by God. We are not a bi product of evolution, but a work of art made by God.


It might hurt now, but remember A better day will come. All you gotta do is believe in Him. God never gives us things that we can't handle. This is all part of his plan. 
          "Though they stumble they will NEVER fall for the Lord HOLDS them by the hand." Psalms 37:24