
Hi everyone! I apologize for my absence and am working towards returning! I decided I needed a mental break for the time being but I plan on returning soon! I am aiming for this Saturday June 29th so look forward to new chapters on Year Two then! 
          	Again I apologize and thank you for your patience! Life is being a pain but I'm pushing through it!
          	Love you all!


If you haven't already please go follow my BFF @WPC_Writer, I'm giving her a goal to get to 100 followers by the end of the month. I might get her a prize if she succeeds, so go follow her now!!! She's only at 41 right now:(:(:( I also have a goal of getting to 50 by the end of the month so go follow me please:) I'm at 24 right now.


Hi everyone! I apologize for my absence and am working towards returning! I decided I needed a mental break for the time being but I plan on returning soon! I am aiming for this Saturday June 29th so look forward to new chapters on Year Two then! 
          Again I apologize and thank you for your patience! Life is being a pain but I'm pushing through it!
          Love you all!