
Heyyyy.... I am posting this msg on your profile with high hopes and more than high anticipation. I am writing a new werewolf book "The Wolf and his Moon". Few chapters are already up. Updates are frequent and the chapters are long.
          Please check it out and share your views. They mean a lot to me.
          I sincerely hope that you give my story a chance and like it. Fingers crossed!!!
          Have a good day ahead!!!


@farthestdarkeststar the plot caught my attention right away , I can't wait to relax and actually read the book


Heyyy! Thank you so much for voting for my story, it really means a lot to me.


@Devious_IntentionsXX thank you, it's just hard to get my creative juices going unlike when I was five years younger and it was easier cause I was sadder than I am now


@xxKawaiiwerewolvexx   Take your time and write what you're satisfied with. All the best.


@Devious_IntentionsXX I'm sorry I haven't been on as much but your welcome, I love your story and honestly I should redo my books that I attempted to write but never finished


@DaltonHatcher01 i'm depressed but I try to get better but it always come back I don't like feeling this way and when I do try to control it. it gets worse and worse until I just cant contain the thoughts anymore....I always hurt the people all around me friends, family....I feel that they would be better than to have someone like me....