
Makes note of what you are into... Everything has some Islamic bit at the moment but could be minor such as in my Pi x ??? poems about the book Life of Pi and that is only when they come up.  
          Faith into Poetry should be fine for ya I think along with my Islamic Primer and Ouroburos Hijab.  
          Everything I have in Friends into Poetry is about Muslims friends of mines so... I suppose they are all Islamic in a why even if they don't at a quick glance or title seem like it.
          For P2H Spectrum of My Love Ones and Life all are non-fiction and than 9-16-2001 and 1st Bridge are for me very much about Islam in my life.
          My long fiction LOSTgnosis Exodus of Expectations is meant to be hard for all.  A big theme of it is when do people worship their expectations of Allah rather than Allah proper.  I show the good, the bad, and the ugly of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faith followers of which I think their religions are all very beautiful.  That said there are bits that can be stand alone pieces I think which have a very heavy Islamic focus.  Those being the 1st page of Chapter 12 and chapter 6 outside of the start of the first paragraph and it starts talking about the relationship of the girl Rilya, her parents, and Rilya's headscarf.